Sunday, September 29, 2024

Wonderful Sunday

 When Mark went for his walk I pulled out the potato peeler and started peeling 10 pounds of potatoes. Those were put in salt water to hold until after church. We picked up Spark this morning for church. Rhonda was needed at the jail this morning. We had a wonderful day in church with many visitors and a lot of them were my age or at least in the young group when I was. We had a wonderful time catching up. We were almost late getting into church. We also had 2 visiting ministers.  The morning message was given by Richard Martin from Gridley. Richard spoke on Exodus 17 where the people needed water. I use to read this and sympathize with them on their complaining. I could see families with little children crying, "I'm thirsty" and the adults in a panic. BUT  Richard reminded us that they had just been given manna and quail for food and right before then had seen the parting of the Red Sea. They really should have known God would provide. In my own life, especially when building the barn I had to rely on God's provision. A big bill would come and and sometimes my mind wanted to worry but each time I comforted myself with, "if God wants the barn to be built He will provide and always and I mean ALWAYS God provided when there was need. What a lesson for me as we have no idea what is going to happen in America. I just know God WILL be with me. To watch his message click HERE. The lunch room was crowded so some of us waited to eat and some ate standing up.  We made it in for the afternoon singing then Dale Koch from Tremont had the afternoon message. I think he is Dave and June's son but will need to ask Amy. He spoke on Luke 5 where Jesus asked Peter to let him use his boat to speak then after speaking told Peter to go out and let down his net. Remember Peter had been fishing all night without catching a single fish but nether-the-less he did. One of the things Dale brought up was what WAS that message Jesus gave. IT must have been so powerful and yet there is no record of that message in the Bible. Hmmm something else to ask Jesus when I'm done here. To watch his message click HERE. Mark and I left pretty quickly after it was over. I needed to get the pork loin in the oven as that needed 3 hours to get that done. Once that was in the oven the potatoes were put to boil then the carrots.  Mark went over to the barn to check out the damage from the wedding. The only real damage we found was one bath towel that was covered with some kind of pink dye. 

We have a lot of furniture to rearrange as they had moved every table and had all of the chairs out of the living area. There were also some spills to clean up. I didn't really work there although I moved 3 of the round tables back in the living area put the banquet table back where that belonged and moved in 2 of the 6 foot rectangle tables up near the kitchen to serve tonight's food. Mark helped get all the food over for the meal tonight. We had a big group, only missing one family member but had 3 extra for dinner so needed all of those tables. No pictures of that I was just a little too busy. Below is Braelyn's dessert. She opted not to have the hot apple pie instead she cut up strawberries and added that to her ice cream. 
The others were fine with the hot apple pie and cold ice cream.
Zeke was busy with the toys.
I loaded up the left overs and dish towels to be washed but the golf cart was gone. I thought it might be at the playground, it wasn't but Diane's 4 wheeler was. I snapped a couple pictures before she gave me a ride home on the 4 wheeler. The volley ball was going strong, the playground was in use and there were a lot of young cousins in the tree house.

Once home I quickly changed back into Sunday clothes then Mark and I left for the Fellowship hall to join the Invite. They were just finishing up their meal. The singing started at 6:30 pm and I'm happy to say we made it in time. The singing was beautiful and the numbers were given out so quickly that sometimes Dave had to say 2 numbers, one to sing and another to sing next. The singing was over by 7:30 pm and both mom and Aunt Jinnie were ready to leave. Both were tired from the long day. Ruth met me at mom's house to help with the bedtime routine. Dan sent a video of Abram using a sling from ancient times. Abram was slinging black walnuts and hitting a tree. Pretty cool to watch.

It is after 9:00 pm and I still have pots and pans to wash from dinner but what a wonderful Sunday. Almost like living our youth over seeing so many people we grew up with. 

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