Friday, September 27, 2024

Website Workings

 Mark went to bed last night around 8:00 pm. I needed to stay up as the Hipcampers were arriving after 9:00 pm. They made it and were hooked up by 9:45 pm and were glad to get settled. On the way back down to the house I realized I had left the camper lights on from a couple days ago. In the daylight no one would notice so it was a good thing I had to stay up and go outside after dark. Before going over to the meeting place the apartment lights were turned on and the packNplay set up. These guests are bringing an infant. I also stopped in the barn to put the chairs down and around the tables for the wedding guests coming in. We walkers stopped at the horse barn to help Mike load horses for the vet appointment. That was kind of disappointing. Neither Jewel nor Curlin were pregnant.  Jewel is cycling and will be ready to be bred tomorrow but just in case Dr. Hoerr did acupuncture on her which is supposed to aid in ovulation. (I think that is what Mike said) Mike sent the picture below.

Curlin had just ovulated so will not be bred for 3 weeks. 
I needed to clean out the indoor arena moving equipment around so Joan could pull a trailer full of hay inside. The green haywagon was dragged over to the right side of the barn and parked next to the tractor. The cart attached to Mark's golf cart was removed and hauled over by the hay on the right side and the small Kubota was driven over by the side door on the right leaving most of the left side for the hay trailer Joan was bringing. Mark was helping me move a bale in for Valiant when Joan arrived.
The hay is really nice. Miguel and Laura sold it and helped Joan and Faith stack it. This hay is for the Peoria church invite on Sunday then will be used again for the Single invite on October 18th and 19th. After that we will stack it in the barn to be used for when we have a mare delivering in a stall. Valiant was glad for his new bale.
 As soon as that was in I went down to the house to clean up and head to Morton where I was meeting with Dan and Gaetano at Dimension 10 LTD to learn how to work on the website. That was very interesting and I learned so much. As soon as I got home I started working on the practice site Gaetano had emailed but quit by 4:30 pm so Mark and I could go to Gil's Supper Club for supper. We were there by 4:38 pm ordered the cob salad to share. 
It came very quickly and was more than enough for the both of us and we still took some home. By 5:15 pm we were finished and on our way home. I have spent the evening working on the website. 

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