Friday, September 13, 2024

A Good Start

 Ruth came on the walk then went in and said good by to mom as she and Fedi are on their way to Utah boon docking out of their van. 

Mark went to the gas station to pick up some diesel fuel while I loaded Jury into the stock trailer for her trip to Middle Grove. We decided not to wait for an ultrasound but take her out whether she is pregnant or not. Dan arrived with the new Horsemeister Logo for the website. Check it out, I think it is perfect. What a good start. 
After Dan left Mark and I drove to Middle Grove to drop off Jury and pick up Basilea (barn name Leah) Leah was bred to Evan and is due Oct 15th or there abouts. We know the first day she was covered but then she lived with Evan for a few months. When we arrived Jury was let loose to help us find the herd.
Above she was just let loose and below she is searching with her nose.
She headed right up the hill and so did we. Mika was the first horse we saw.
The herd was scattered grazing with only a few under the trees.
We found Leah pretty quickly, I haltered her then gave her to Mark to lead down while I kept the others from following and also took quite a few pictures.
Above is Tatiana to the left and to the right is Valerie followed by Tessa and Titus. Below is Lily standing in the trees and behind her is Rosaleigh.
That is Tessa on the right and in front of Tessa is Sheena. 
Below is Mark taking Leah to the trailer.
Thalia her 2023 filly came galloping up to go with her.
She stood still and stared when they went down the hill.
She ran back to the herd. I turned around and looked back at the herd now all together under the trees.
By the time I got down the hill Mark had Leah standing quietly by the trailer.
Loading didn't go as well as I'd hoped. She would not step into the trailer. I finally gave Mark her lead rope and stood behind her and gave her a smack when she started backing up. That did the trick, she walked in with Mark, I slammed the back door just in time. She started backing up and hit the door but did not get away from Mark. I then went into the side door, took the lead rope and got her tied while Mark held the side door. When we got home I led her out to the outdoor arena for a few pictures.

She is a big impressive mare and should have a gorgeous foal by Evan. To see the rest of the pictures from Middle Grove click HERE. Once she was put away Mark helped unhook the stock trailer then drove over to Joan's to pick up a camper and haul that down to Tri County RV to have the water heater looked at and hopefully fixed. On the way back stopped at Sam's to pick up food for the Sunday dinner then home to put the food away. I had a lady ask for a video of Madiera's colt so Mark came with me to help. I did two quick videos. I can't put them together as I still have no way to edit videos. 

The colts and Madiera were left out to graze for a couple hours then put back in.

Oliver didn't follow Madiera and her colt instead he went over to check out Leah.
He was put away then I left for Aldi to pick up wild rice plus a list of groceries for Mark but when I got there Aldi had no wild rice. I had to go to Kroger for that. Today I am VERY thankful for Mark. I would not have been able to get Leah loaded without him and would not have been able to get those 2 short videos of Madiera's colt without him. I may need to put him on the payroll. 

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