Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wednesday's Blessings

 On our walk this morning Rachel sent the picture below: 
We rejoice with Clayton, Jessica and little Ruby on the announcement of their second baby coming April 2025. Here we were just mentioning that there was no one expecting that we knew of. The family grows again! We also got news today that Aunt Bernie has passed to her heavenly reward. The arrangements are pending.  We stopped in to talk to mom and Karin was working on the picture below. Any guesses?
This is Hannah and Jacob's daughter Chelise. Pretty good likeness of the picture below.
After the walk I started the deep cleaning of the barn. Today the 3 bathrooms were finished, the drawers organized and the pantry cleaned out. I found these takehome containers and realized they needed to be washed so got those done before heading home.
These were left from the conference. Mark had just come in from working in the garage so I asked him if he would go with me to TSC to pick up grain today. We loaded 8 bags in the back of the Prius and drove that up to the stall barn.

When we pulled up the 3 horses in the paddock next to that barn came running up in hopes we would share some of that grain.
4 bags were put in this barn and the other 4 bags were put in the breeding shed. Back in the house I got on the internet to pay the tolls we went through going to Michigan City. The website has not updated to let me know how much I have to pay.
It was interesting, they say on their website it could take up to 14 days to show the fee but it also says if you don't pay by 14 days you will be fined. I guess I have to keep checking each day. I needed to give Madiera's paddock a new salt block. When I got up to the far paddock Madiera's colt had been taking a nap but jumped up when he saw me.

The salt block was placed in the shelter. Of course the colt had to try it out right away.
Madiera bit a piece off to chew on.
My next job was to take down all the old fly traps and replace them with new ones. 
Madiera's paddock was given the first one. All 3 in this paddock ignored it. 
The next one was put in the mare paddock (used to be Raven's paddock).
Valiant's was next.
Valiant peeked his head around to watch what I was doing.
Evan's paddock was last.
Hopefully this will help keep the flies down. The old ones were pretty filled with dead flies.
Jacob brought the skid steer back today. It got a new battery and is running well.
Mark stayed home from church tonight as he was busy. I drove in by myself and made it there by 6:00 pm. The conference committee served us a wonderful dinner of pulled pork, chicken strips,  cheesy potatoes, fresh fruit, vegetables with dip and for dessert hot blueberry or peach cobbler topped with vanilla ice cream.

After that we went into the sanctuary where we heard a few more statistics from the committee. Dave had a short sermon, we heard more from Tim and Dwain. Then more singing which tonight was absolutely beautiful. Before going home Karen Hoffstetter gave me 2 home grown tomatoes then Bob Gangloff gave me a home grown watermelon.
What a blessing to be there tonight and on top of it all I came home with bounty.  David was in Washington.and had the message on the Resurrection of the dead. Click HERE to watch that.  It is now after 10:00 pm but what a great day.

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