Monday, September 16, 2024

Two in One Day

 Today was a day of rest for me. No walk and not much work. The food left from yesterday's dinner was taken first to mom's house. Karin took enough for her dinner tonight. The rest was taken to Joan's house. Mark worked more on the middle paddock. When I went by it looks like a disaster. He used the skid steer to make piles.

The excavator was put on the small Kubota and he used that to dig up the old automatic waterer.

He got Mackenson after lunch to help with that big job.
Berlica came to get some weed whacking done and also mowed around the new barn. 
We had a Hipcamper book the campsite for tonight so the Mini Max was moved next to the breeding shed. I didn't bother plugging it in. Now that I have a computer again I will advertise that for sale on Facebook Market place. 
Mark took his car to the car wash today, not that it needed it or anything.
I put the mares and colts out in the big field to graze. Leah has decided she is Oliver's caretaker.  Oliver went over to greet Jewel and Sally. Leah saw him heading there and hurried over to catch up. I was fascinated and watched the entire scenario. 
She quickly got between the fence and Oliver and pushed him out of the way then led him back over to Madiera.
The other mares really wanted to be out with these 4.
Leah has strong maternal instinct. Oliver will not be welcomed after she delivers but he is glad to hang out with her now. They were all put back in the same paddock after 3 hours. They were each given some grain then all 4 took turns drinking out of the waterer then settled down with Oliver standing with Leah and Madiera and her colt standing together.
The hipcampers arrived around 5:30 pm and were glad to get out of their motorhome and relax at the picnic table. On the way back after greeting them I stopped to take pictures of the 4 horses sharing this paddock.
I came inside to make dinner. Tonight we had home made pizza and a salad. I had just sat down at the computer when another Hipcamper reserved a spot only this one will be coming Oct 4th and stay until Oct 6th. That is 2 bookings in one day.

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