Thursday, September 19, 2024

Cool Whip Wealthy

 Another cool morning and the horses were put out early. Leah is due in a month and looks fantastic. She reminds me of Eliza, not that she has the mega hair but she is such a big mare and kind of pushy. She needs reminding each time I lead her that she MUST wait for me and is not allowed to go ahead. 

Madiera still shows no sign of coming into season. 

I took the short video below to show how friendly Madiera's colt is. He really does enjoy attention from people.
Mark also started working early. He brought over a load of the gravel mix to add where the new waterer is going in.
He also finished adding lime to paddocks this morning. I was a little shocked at how much lime was used.
Below is the middle paddock. There are actual 3 shelters in this paddock.

Below is going to be the new waterer in the middle paddock.
The dishes really needed to be washed and as I was getting the sink empty, I threw away a cool whip container instead of washing it.  My first thought as it hit the garbage is "WOW I am now 'that' wealthy". Speaking of being wealthy, we MAY even go through the automatic car wash again...or not. That would be a luxury even wealthy people wouldn't do, like going twice in a month. Nope Mark will just wash it himself and hope it stays clean for Sunday. Candy gave me a scare today. She is one of Mike's Thoroughbred mares and was laying down not wanting to get up. She was not colicking but just didn't want to stand. She was given some bute then watched. After about an hour she was up and wanting to eat. Below she and Curlin are side by side enjoying the hay.
Today I wanted to get the Little Guy Mini Max on Facebook marketplace. New pictures were taken and a very short video to show it better. It really is a well made tiny camper and even though it is tiny and weighs around 2000 pounds it has everything I think is necessary to camp, a bathroom, kitchen, large fridge and a large bed. Another plus is that the indoor height is 6 foot.

If interested in something like this and want to learn more just click HERE. Mark drove in to Bartonville to pick up water and stopped at Aldi on his way home. He spent $40.00 but only came home with a couple bags of groceries. Crazy how high the food bills are. He brought home mint ice cream so we both had some of that as a special treat. Supper was a bit later tonight. After supper I went back out to put the horses away. Below the 2 colts are sharing a bucket.
I'm glad they have each other. Rain is predicted for tonight so brought the equipment into the barn. Phil called and is going to get the lights back up in the game room on Saturday. It was just a typical day, nothing special and yet I feel very blessed to live here. 

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