Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Jury Back IN

 I slept so good last night getting in a full 8 hours. That gave me plenty of energy to cook Mark an omelet for breakfast before going up to feed the horses. Bad news for us. I saw Jury hanging by Valiant. It has been 21 days since she was covered last and I was hopeful she settled. There was no time to cover her this morning but after Berean I brought her out teased her to Evan then covered her by Evan.  Madiera is still not showing I don't remember any past year being this hard to get mares confirmed in foal. Joan didn't walk this morning, Bethany and the kids are still visiting plus today Jacob was bringing her newest grand daughter Chelise for Joan to watch today. Diane, Ruth and I stopped at Rachel's house to check out her finished camper. Rachel and David are leaving for a trip out East and we wanted to see the camper before they left.  Rachel found an RV bathroom for $5.00 at a garage sale then she and David made it fit in the camper. They did a fantastic job. 

To see it better check out video of the inside.
Mom and I left for the Berean office at 8:30 am.  Leila called when we were 5 minutes away to tell us she was on her way to the emergency room. She was worried that she had a stroke as her face was drooping. As soon as we got in the door of the Berean office we had a group prayer for her. We got good news a couple hours later, it was not a stroke but Bell's palsy. We were busy at Berean as we were short handed. Below Skip is reading a request letter.
I only took the 3 pictures as we were busy.

Mom and I dropped off the Bibles and studies at the Hanna City post office before going home. I forgot the studies for grading and will need to pick them up before church tomorrow. Right after lunch it was time to work on bathrooms and the kitchen of the barn. While doing that I got a request from someone wanting to see updated pictures and a video of Madiera's colt. After getting Jury covered I was putting her back in the paddock when the colt came up so I just let him out of the paddock then went to get Madiera. That colt is MUCH to independent. He would not follow Madiera into the stall, instead he would run back to stand by the gate where the other 3 horses were. Madiera was put in the round pen, then Missy was put in the outdoor arena but he still wouldn't come. Then Jury was taken out and he followed Jury into the round pen. Jury was taken out and put back in the pasture, then Missy was put in the pasture and finally Madiera was put in the arena and finally I could get a couple pictures.

He didn't really want to run and Missy, Cookie and Jury were neighing to him. Madiera was just happy to graze and ignoring him. The videos below were not impressive.

When he shows off the tail is held up and he bounces way off the ground at the trot. Without help and without a computer the task of videos is really hard. Walking them back to the pasture I saw a big snake skin.  Impressive how big the snakes get on a diet of mice and rabbits. 
Mark had Mackenson working on stacking wood on the porch for winter.
Once that was done he was showing Mackenson how to trim the bushes in the front of the house.

There are these pretty purple flowers at the front of the house. I have no idea what kind of flower but they come up each year.
The hummingbirds like them so they must be sweet. We had an early supper of brisket, cheesy carrots and mashed potatoes left over from Sunday dinner. A side salad was added and it was plenty. we ate around 5:00 pm then Mark went back out to change the oil in my car. I'm thankful that Leila did not have a stroke and praying the Bell's palsy is temporary. 

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