Friday, September 20, 2024

Benjamin Franklin Arrives

 No rain last night. We left our window open so we could hear it if and when it came. We could have used the rain but have another chance on Saturday evening and Sunday. We were both up early waiting for the coffee maker to finish. I let the horses out today without leading Leah. She was a little confused until she finally realized I was asking her to go on her own. The others always follow her.  

These 4 get to spend the day out in the field but come into the paddock for the night. There is a round bale in the shelter for them for night time feeding. Today I worked on Evan's tail trying to get that untangled but ended up cutting off some. I was not able to finish. I don't know why some of the horses tails tangle and some are fine but both stallions should have had their tails brushed out last year and I didn't get that done. Mark went back out to get ready for concrete.  He explained he is one step closer but still has a lot to do before pouring concrete.
If the rain holds off Sunday Joan wants to give hay rack rides. Mark needed to put the 2 inch ball on the tractor to pull the hay rack. 
Once that was done we moved a bale into the mare paddock. 
It is really nice hay.
The mares really do like it and will leave the pasture to graze on it.

I put up two electric fence barriers to stop the horses in the big field from coming into the front.
It is just a white electric fence wire and not hooked up but the mares are used to electric so don't test it.
The next job was to check on Missy and Cookie over at the cabin field. They were no where in sight and I started worrying that maybe they got out so drove the golf cart in to find them. They were all the way at the bottom and in the woods staying cool under the trees. Cookie came out to greet me.
Missy stayed under until I went in the woods to check her out. All was well she just didn't want to be in the sun.
Both mares followed me back up to the cabin.

I gave them each a handful of grain so I could drive the golf cart out of the cabin field. 
Mark and I went over to the new barn to work on the ping pong table. That had been moved and taken apart some. We got it back together then spent a little time straightening up. At 4:40 pm the horses were called in. Leah is so smart she knew the shortest way to get to the paddock and knew exactly where her grain was waiting. The other 3 followed her right in. That sure makes letting them out and calling them back in easy. By the time I got back inside Mark was ready to leave for the Bartonville Diner were we had dinner. We ordered one senior meal at $10.45 and an extra plate (free). The meal comes with 2 sides, a vegetable bread and crackers. Mark chose the salad and that came first with the bread.
Next comes the walleye, 2 big fried fillets, a potato and vegetable of the day. 
We could have shared a pudding cup for dessert if we had wanted it but chose not to. The place was packed and since we were so cheap with our meal we wanted to finish so they could reset the table for those waiting at the door. When we got home I took the golf cart around just to make sure all was well before heading in for the night but decided to stay out until the sunset.

This one lone clover was blooming and at first I thought there was a honey bee on it this late in the evening but looking closer it is just a bug. 
Below is a video of driving around checking.

There was no red, pink or purple but a lot of gold.
At Co-op today they have a very famous visitor. Benjamin Franklin arrived.
It's like he stepped out of history just to share some of his wisdom. That guy is famous both way back then and even now. Maybe he showed up to clarify the constitution. He was the oldest person to sign it and said the Constitution was "near to perfection."  Now if we can just stop some crazy politician from messing it up.

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