Thursday, September 5, 2024


 The mist in the air above the corn fields was visible early this morning when I went out to grain the horses. 

Madiera and her colt were put in the outdoor arena to eat theirs. Valiant was given his then Jury brought out and teased. She is still in season so was covered by Evan. Jewel is also back in season. She will be covered tomorrow afternoon. We stopped at mom's after the walk for a visit. Mom and Karin slept in today not getting up until 8:00 am. They were enjoying their first cup of coffee. Mike called to let me kow Candy has a swollen fetlock. Mike felt her leg and reported it warm. When I checked it I found a small cut, enough for the leg to become infected. Mike was shown how to give her 30 cc's of sulfa by mouth and then given the syringe and sulfa. He will give that to her for the next 6 days. Hopefully that will clear it up. Then it was time for me to finish cleaning the barn. Today I wanted to sweep and mop the gym floor and when that was done checked all the bathrooms just to make sure they were still clean, then emptied the two big garbage's and put new bags in. The building is now ready for the wedding people to come in early tomorrow to start their decorating. Mark worked on trimming branches over the drives. He ordered an almost 3 foot extension for his 12 foot tall battery operated chain saw. That came yesterday and he and Mackenson worked on some of the branches yesterday but did not get then all done. I drove the Wildwood 2 camper to the repair shop down on route 29 to get the slideout looked at. Joan is pretty sure she figured out why 2 of our campers came back with slideout problems. Both were rented to farmers, both of those farmers were used to hauling stock trailers and both drove pretty rough. We may need to ban farmers OR explain these campers can't be treated like stock trailers.They need to be careful going over big bumps and not throw them around by taking turns to quickly. The truck needed gas on the way back. Mark had just been telling me that gas was supposed to be going down. Obvousily he hasn't had to fill up for a while. It was still 3.69.9 a gallon. The truck needed  over 27 gallons to fill it which put the bill just over $101.00. 
I had a person from China ask about staying in the foaling apartment. I don't think they could read English very well as they wanted to make sure they could cook in the kitchen. Then asked if I would make a video showing the kitchen. 
I also took some updated pictures of the fridge and posted them on the airbnb ad as that has been replaced since I posted the ad. 

Mark was busy mowing with the little Kubota. I'm thankful that has a bush hog mower on right now. We need a bush hog mower to knock down these weeds.
After mowing it he went out later with the weed wacker and finished that paddock.
By the time we were done with all the outside work we were both tired. Supper was a bowl of chicken soup and grilled ham and cheese sandwich. This evening I spent some time looking for a vacation home for the Sceggel vacation next August. We want one on a lake, with a boat dock, one that has 7 or 8 bedrooms 6 bathrooms and can sleep 25. Not an easy job when looking for all of that on a budget. 

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