Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Jewel out Micah Home

 As today is Berean day I left the house around 6:00 am to drive to Kroger to pick up fresh baked pecan sticky buns for our treat. Once back I took the golf cart up to check Titus and Jury. Both are doing well. I couldn't help but admire the beautiful green fields. The tractor is sitting in the field with just 3 tires, the 4th tire was picked up later today and put back on. 

From there I left for our walk.
Diane and I walked the first round, then Ruth joined us. Ruth had good news to share. Little Micah is doing well and later this afternoon Rebekah took him home. Joan and her family drove to Morton for the garage sales. She found a set of 12 glasses for $2.00 so now I have glasses for potluck. I never did find those plastic blue ones I bought 2 years ago. Right after our walk Diane and Ruth came in to visit with mom then helped to get us on our way to the Berean office.  When I started the van I thought I saw it was almost full but once driving on Smithville Rd mom asked if we had enough gas, I looked down and the gas gauge was on empty. We stopped at the Casey's near Maxwell road to fill up and it took just over 20 gallons. 
We were busy at Berean and glad for the work. Below are the pictures from today.
Above Bruce and Vonnie are wrapping Bibles. Below mom is stamping the return address on the envelopes while Shirley applies labels to the envelopes.

We all came into this room for our prayer at 9:30 am in the picture above and below Marvin is giving us an update. 

Above Leila is reading letters, Bruce is running the postage machine, Shirley is helping mom with something and Marvin was talking to Vonnie. We help each other as we work.
Below is a short video of some of our work.
Mom and I left around 11:00 am and drove to the Hanna City post office to drop off the Bibles and studies going out today. I also took home 5 boxes of Bibles and all the supplies needed to stuff and wrap them. We have a girls retreat coming to the barn June 20th and 21st and they want to do a service project and are happy to wrap Bibles for us. After mom was dropped off all of those supplies were taken to the barn and just left on one of the tables. Tomorrow I'll get it all put in a closet. From there I went straight to the barn to see if the tractor tire was on, I needed to move two bales in today. Mark had picked up the tire and got it back on the tractor. I moved one bale in then when he arrived he helped move the second. Mark and Mackenson were working on repairing and replacing a gate in the back of the middle paddock.
 Jewel was teased today and she is now out. Madiera was teased and she still said no. I must have missed her foal heat.  Since I had her out she was taken into a stall and a halter put on her colt. He didn't do too bad with that although today was the first time he was tied and he fought that for a while. 

Rebekah posted the picture of Blair holding Micah once they got home from the hospital. Micah's siblings were so glad to have him home.

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