Saturday, June 29, 2024

Big Family Reunion

 Saturday a day to sleep in but we don't. We were both up and drinking coffee by 5:15 am. Rizzy went home yesterday so it was just Hazel this morning. I took her with me while picking berries for our breakfast. We went along the South side of the big field. It was much warmer than yesterday morning but the flowers seem to be doing fine.

We only got .2 of an inch of rain during the night but the leaves and flowers were wet. This poor bee had gotten stuck out in the rain and was busy trying to dry off to fly home to her nest.
There are many blackberry bushes along this side of the field.
Looking over saw the hipcampers were still inside their motorhome, at least it didn't look like anyone was stirring yet.
We disturbed a deer. She heard us and bounded up and ran deep into the woods. 
I found a big berry patch and was picking them when another doe jumped up and ran. The thicket of woods here isn't that wide so I was surprised. 
We came home by the big woodpile. Hopefully this wood will be good in 2 winters, we sure have enough for this coming winter.
Once home breakfast was made and some of the blackberries were put on top of the hot buttered pancakes.
After breakfast Mark went out to work on installing a gate. I went to the bank to deposit a check then to Kroger to pick up some ice cream and a few other food items. After coming home and putting away the groceries went out to help Mark.
He was installing a new gate on the back of the middle paddock. The horses were curious. Jewel came right down to watch but when the drill started she went back up to graze on the hay with Missy.
Madiera's tail was on top of her colt.
Cookie was heading toward the waterer to get a drink.
Below Mark is drilling the hole in the post.
The gate is now hung but not quite finished. Madiera went up to eat on the bale but her colt was busy watching our progress on the gate.
We were so hot by the time we finished the air conditioning in the house felt wonderful.
It wasn't too much later when I had to go to Joan's to meet a man bringing back a camper.
From there I went to mom's to find Karin, Diane, Rachel and Braelyn playing Carbols. 
There was a big group out using the lake swimming, canoeing and fishing but it was so hot I just took the picture from inside in the air conditioning.
On the way back to my house I stopped to take a picture of the full parking lot at the barn.

Joyce had a wonderful turnout. She must be pleased, I think most of her family were able to attend.
As we didn't get to go out last night, tonight we met Amy and Ken at the Bartonville diner for dinner. Braelyn came with us.
Mark got the 5 tacos while Amy, Ken and I got the Walleye and Braelyn ordered the chicken.
The food was delicious as always. After dinner we came back to our house and Amy served us an amazing pistachio dessert.
Had to get a close up of it. This was the perfect ending to such a hot day.
After Amy and Ken left I took Braelyn home around 8:00 pm. I'm very thankful today seemed to go well with our guests. The party is still going strong but Mark and I are heading to bed. 

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