Monday, June 10, 2024


 Ruth was not able to walk today as she is taking care of Rebekah's children while Micah is in the hospital. The good news on him was he is now out of intensive care. Diane and Mike spent the night at Middle Grove so I asked Joan if she wanted to skip the walk. She came back with, "skipping sounds great and I hear it is good exercise too but I think I'll just stay home".  Yep, we never know what is going to come out of Joan's mouth sometimes.  Mark helped get the 2 horse trailer hooked up to the truck then followed as I led Titus into the trailer. That 2 year old stallion quietly followed me right in and stood nicely while tying him. Amazing how working with him just 3 times made such a difference. He traveled great to Hoerr vet clinic. That place was already packed with customers. There were 3 horse trailers already parked, one wiht a gorgeous palomino dam and foal getting checked out, another with a gray Arabian waiting in line and the 3rd was filled with goats and pigs. Dr. Hoerr came out with his ultrasound machine but it wasn't for a mare, he walked to a car that had a goat in it.  

The person who had purchased the goat was told she might be pregnant but she was not.
Titus was unloaded and stood well watching everything. As soon as the hospital stall was ready he was put in that.
I left him there as my next trip was to head to Middle Grove to pick up Jury. Before getting into the truck I had to check out the trailer with the pigs and goats. The driver of that rig brought along 5 of her 7 children too.
Before they left the kids posed for a picture.
It is 25 miles to Hoerr vet clinic from our farm, but since I needed to go to Middle Grove it was a 50 mile trip. Mike and Diane were waiting when I arrived. I just took a few pictures before getting the halter and lead rope out for Jury as I for SURE didn't want to drop this phone.
Above in the front is Tessa and Valerie and behind them are Thalia and Lea. Below are Tatiana, Rosalie and Jury with Sangria standing behind Rosalie.
Sangria was led into the round pen, Jury followed her, Diane shut the gate, Jury was haltered and led to the trailer, loaded and it was time to head home. Below Rosalie and Tatiana are looking at Sangria in the round pen.
Check out Tessa's mane!  Tessa just turned 2 years old May 23rd, She is going to have a mane like Ylse.
The drive home seemed to go quickly. Jury was put in a stall with some grain while I made the paddock ready for her.
She is due in 5 weeks but looks just huge. The pictures below was once she was put in the paddock.

Mark had the tractor tire off so once Jury was fine I took the golf cart into the hayfield to get that tire. I was able to roll it up onto the golf cart then took it down to the car and rolled it into the back of the Prius.
I took that down to East Peoria Tire and dropped it off giving Jesse Mark's phone number. Dr. Hoerr called as I was taking that to tell me Titus was now a gelding and ready to be picked up. Since I had to drive back to Hanna City to get the truck and trailer I explained it would be about an hour before I could get there. Titus was ready and waiting when I finally arrived. I could hear him neighing when I arrived. He walked well into the trailer but by the time we got home I think some of the numbing drugs were wearing off as he very gingerly stepped off of the trailer. He was put in the paddock and went right over to greet Jury.
On Saturday I had finished the 1st book in the Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers and was kind of horrified in the ending. I wasn't sure if I wanted to read the second book as Saturday night I couldn't sleep after finishing that book. The world and now even the United States is starting to look a lot like Rome. Well this afternoon after driving almost 200 miles I picked up the 2nd book in the series. Mark is going to read the first book so I can't say anymore but I just finished the second and both should be read. I can't wait to read the 3rd. What I didn't do was pick up a dessert for Bereans tomorrow. I'll have to get up early and drive in to Kroger. I don't like to bake.
Lily's colt sold this evening and 2 bookings came in for the apartment and 1 for the barn today. Mark had Mackenson setting fence posts and Berlica mowing today. 

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