Sunday, June 2, 2024

Cousin Company

 I woke up before 4:00 am and would not allow myself to get out of bed as I really wanted to see if the coffee maker would work as programed. Of course the clock was checked at 4:18 am 4:24 am 4:38 am 4:49 and and then I fell asleep and didn't wake until almost 6:00 am. The coffee WAS made and was hot and delicious.  Glad that worked but unfortunately the fridge wasn't cooling. as soon as a couple cups of coffee was downed the fridge and freezer was emptied and turned off. Mark left for a walk and by the time he was home the fridge was cleaned out and being put back together. I had him turn off the breaker to the fridge then take the food over to the barn fridge and freeze. Then it was time to get the 10 pounds of chicken cut up, drizzled with olive oil then covered with parmesan cheese. Mark took that over to the barn fridge while I was cutting up the peppers and onions. Those also were drizzled with olive oil and covered with parmesan and taken over to the barn fridge. After all that was done I had 20 minutes to get ready for church. Kathy and Randy brought Nancy and she was so glad to see us. Joan brought mom. Tim Roecker had the morning message click HERE to listen to that. Gregg Rumbold had the afternoon message, click HERE to watch that.  After church Mark helped take the stock trailer off of the truck and put on the 2 inch drop to pick up the Mini Max from Joan's and bring that over here as we had someone wanting to come see that. About that time Rachel and Dave showed up to get a couple loads of old well composted horse manure. Just then Mike brought Mike and Joyce Meister over on the horses. Berlica was on Sally who was raring to go. Mike Meister rode Dancer, Joyce rode Missy and Mike was on Mika. 

Then went down on the trails after trying the horses out in the outdoor arena. At one point a wild turkey flew up right by Missy, the horses jumped but none of the spooked and took off. That was after they had crossed the creek so no video of that. They all came back safely.

Below is a video of almost the entire ride.
I left then to get supper started over at the barn. Mark did the grilling while I made the salad and set the table. Dinner was delicious and well received. Not much was left after everyone ate.
Poor Zeke was crying because he wanted ice cream before he ate his chicken and his mom said NO.
He didn't cry very long, ate his chicken and enjoyed the ice cream and crumb cake for dessert. We all left for the beach then. Taegan's first cast she caught a bass but it got off and the next cast she pulled in this nice big bass. 
We took a video of her letting it go. That will be posted later. Below are a few pictures of fun on the beach.

Brian and Rebekah's brought their family as did Anni and Matt so there were a lot of kids playing in the water. Brian took Jordan fishing while Lee took Zeke for a boat ride.
The sun was bright and the water perfect. The beach got crowded and I needed to get out of the sun so took the golf cart up to watch the volley ball players for a while. They were finishing up with the games. The ladies were enjoying visiting.
Dexter climbed up on the golf cart and wanted to drive.
I took him for a ride before heading to the barn to bring back some of the leftovers from tonight. Hopefully the videos taken at the beach can be rendered tomorrow but if you would like to see the rest of the pictures from today click HERE. Mark is wanting to buy a new fridge but I asked him to give this one at least a week. It seems to be cooling well now so we will see if that continues. 

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