Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Hay Day

 We got an inch of rain during the night and it was still sprinkling when I went up to the barn to check the mares. Madiera and Jewel would need another bale today.  They were finishing up their last bale when I arrived. 

My hipcamp guests were glad to have had the indoor arena to stay out of the storm last night.
They came out to thank me and let me know they would be leaving this morning. About that time Mike arrived to hook up the stock trailer to his truck. This morning Mike, Diane and I were taking the 3 Thoroughbred mares to Hoerr Vet clinic for their ultrasounds. They all loaded nicely.
We were on our way by 7:50 am and reached the clinic at 8:25 am.
Below Mike is unloading Bulu.
She was taken into the clinic and put in the stocks. While Aicken was tied to the trailer.
When Dr. Hoerr sonagrammed Bulu he found a pretty clear CL meaning she had ovulated a few days ago.

We decided not to short cycle her. She was led back to the trailer.

Aichen was next. She had a good size follicle on one ovary but didn't seem to be in season. She was given a shot to short cycle.
Holly was last and she was coming into season with some edema and a good size follicle so she was also given a short cycle shot.
When we got back to the farm both of the mares that were short cycled were teased. One was ready to be covered, the other will be ready tomorrow.  Valiant covered Aichen and tomorrow will covered Holly. Madiera, her colt and Jewel were turned out and a bale moved in for them. Madiera's colt is so cute.
He is kind of a stinker, running ahead of his mom then not wanting to go into the paddock with her.
Jewel who is  now due in 5 days is beginning to worry me a bit. I was sure she was pregnant earlier but looking at her today she seemed not as fat today.

Surely she isn't just FAT?  
After they were put away I left for Aldi. We needed groceries. When I was loading the car with the groceries the lady unloading hers in the next car over asked if I was a Meister then told me her name was Mo and she served us at the Village Inn for lunches when we were at Meisters. When I finally got home Bryan Sprout was here cutting our hay.
Bryan stopped and got off to say hello and comment on how nice the hay looks. I'm just thrilled he is taking care of our hay. We should get a wonderful first cutting.
I had to get a video of that hay falling behind his mower.
My new phone had arrived. I drove to the nearest Cellular store with the new and the old to get it turned on and was disappointed to find they could only turn it on and not sync it since my old phone couldn't be opened. I was working on putting phone numbers in the contact part when Philip sent a text to Mark's phone that he would try to sync it so we dropped it off at his house on our way to the fellowship hall. Tonight was family night, Gail and friends put on the delicious meal tonight. Karen Martin came today to speak of her years as a hospice nurse. It was a VERY good talk. To watch that click HERE


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