Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Wednesdays Work

 When I reached the meeting place for the walk I saw 2 big branches had fallen from the locust tree on to the trampoline. 

They were too big for me to lift off myself so when Diane arrived we took them off together.
You can see how big they are by the picture below. Diane is standing near the end of these limbs.
When Mark arrived he hauled them to the burn pile which is fast becoming huge again. Amazing how quickly that burn pile grows. Ruth joined us and when we reached Joan's we noticed her hibiscus plant was blooming.
The picture above was taken and sent by text to Joan. This bush was huge and the last storm destroyed most of the bush but at least she has part of it left growing.
Instead of doing 2 rounds we went in to mom's after the first round to sit and visit. Mom has had a bad cough but last night was able to sleep ok. Diane stayed with mom this morning and tried to keep the chair more upright. After the walk breakfast was cooked. Today we had a wonderful vine ripened tomato from Ruth's served with 2 eggs over medium, 2 home grown sausage patties, a piece of toast and a sweet ripe Geogia peach. I was thanking God for my taste buds this morning. That breakfast was delicious. After breakfast it was time to tease mares. I could tell Jewel was still in when I took the picture below. Notice her tail. 
The first mare teased was Bulu one of Mike's Thoroughbred mares. Mike was called to help with her. She is in and was covered by Valiant. Jewel was taken out of Evan's paddock and moved into Ribbon's old paddock as I want to make sure she gets covered tomorrow.
Next the golf cart was taken over to Joan's to work on a camper. I think we have 2 going out either tomorrow or Friday. I was almost done when Braelyn sent a text asking if I was home.
She and her friend Sofia spent the night in the big barn sleeping upstairs in the game room. Anna dropped of Taegan and Kensley and the girls wanted to go horse back riding. Missy and Cookie were taken out and tacked up. Taegan rode Missy to the round pen while Kensley rode Cookie. 
Below is a short video of these girls working with the horses in the round pen.
Next Braelyn and Sofia took their turns with the horses in the round pen. 
All 4 did very well in the round pen so I had Braelyn and Sofia ride them right into the outdoor arena.
It started to rain so we quickly let Taegan and Kensley have a turn in the outdoor arena before heading back to the indoor.
It was sprinkling as we were walking into the arena but that quickly turned to a downpour. The horses were tied up while the girls waited on the golf cart for the rain to stop.

We were going to go on the trails but the rain lasted longer than expected then Anna sent a text that she was bringing lunch to the barn for the girls. The horses were untacked and put away and the girls taken over to the barn. I went back to the house to start laundry and of course listen to AC Central while waiting for the machines. Tonight was church. Gregg Rumbold had the message tonight on James 4, Life is a vapor. To watch that click HERE. After church we went to Culvers for a late supper. David brought his two (Israel and Elisabet) and a neighbor boy Israel's friend. It was a bigger group tonight at Culvers. We enjoyed the food and the fellowship.

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