Thursday, July 18, 2024

Lost Wallet

 It hasn't been easy typing with the computer broken. The laptop skips around a lot.  Thankfully Philip called and said if I could give it to Anna to take home tonight he would work on it.  Joan drove the motorhome over to mom's to say good-by then as she drove by us for the big trip out West, Diane, Ruth and I all waved white flags. Joan retorted through the window, "let's just pretend we don't know those people" as she pulled away. They will be gone for almost 3 weeks. We had the apartment book last night and as we were walking we saw the dad with his son and daughter age 1 and 3 looking at the horses. The kids were really cute. Ruth of course had to take her phone out to show the dad pictures of her grandchildren. Thankfully Diane was along to pull her away explaining, "she is a new grandparent." We finished the walk when 2 different texts came in both saying the same thing, "we will be picking up the camper around 9:00 am. As I don't know which person was taking which camper I had to get to Joan's house early to go over the paper work. The first man that arrived couldn't get the lights to work, the second man was more than willing to help figure out the problem. 

The second man's truck didn't have the correct size ball but I found one in Joan's garage that worked just fine. All of this took until 10:30 am before they were both on the road. By then Anna got a text that the apartment guests had left so I took the golf cart right up to the apartment to start on the laundry.  We have another guest coming in today. Anna and Kensley arrived to help and we were able to get it done in time. Sarah arrived then to give pony rides. Cookie was taken out for this group.

If you would like to see the rest of the pony pictures click HERE. Once everyone had a chance to ride Cookie was put away and they all went to the lake for fishing and swimming. They had so much fun! Taunya arrived with her four and they had a blast driving the golf cart around.

Mark lost his wallet today. He went to the post office at 9:00 am to pick up a package and didn't realize it was missing until noon. He had to wait until 1:30 pm for the post office to open back up from their lunch break but they did not see nor find his wallet. He wasn't sure if he lost it while mowing this morning, or when he was working in the garage and we looked everywhere we could think he went but no luck. He finally gave up and drove the truck to David's house to help with the storm clean up. Israel had 3 neighbor boys helping with that. 

Elisabet was helping too.
When we had it all cleaned up the boys jumped in the truck to pack down the limbs so Mark could drive home.
As we were leaving the kids settled down to paint rocks and whiffle ball bats.
We were both tired so supper was just a grilled ham and cheese sandwich and a sweet Georgia peach for dessert. I wanted to listen to a little of the Republican convention but instead when searching for that was introduced to some hilarious new memes. Remember when the Secret Service in charge of keeping Trump safe used the excuse they didn't have anyone up on the roof as that roof was too steep? Well the memes are going crazy with that and I really did have to laugh.

Of course we need a video of proof that a cow really can climb om a sloped roof that is much to dangerous for the SS.
On a more sober note Mark got word tonight that his brother Jon is in the

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