Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Fourth of July

 Today we had to start work early, not only did I have guests coming in to both of the airbnbs our house was a mess. The dishes hadn't been done yesterday at all. After downing 2 quick cups of strong coffee the kitchen was cleaned up before heading first up to the apartment to do a quick check and turn the air on and then over to the barn to start cleaning there. We had a big group yesterday and I needed to refill supplies, clean bathrooms, put away dishes, sweep and mop the floor. Mark came to help put away tables and sweep the gym floor. David and Israel also helped put away tables. 

One of the basketball hoops had a pole down and was missing some nuts and bolts. Mark found some in his shop that would work and between the two of us we got it lined up and repaired.

Philip arrived to work on the video game. He was coming later with his family to play basketball.
After finishing the barn I took a quick trip to Aldi to get some food for tonight as we were meeting at David and Steph's house for dinner and from there heading to the Chilicothe fireworks. At 3:00 pm I went over to the cabin field to give Titus his Sulfa paste. He wasn't as good today as yesterday and I ended up with some of it on my shirt. Of course I needed to change before leaving for the evening. When we arrived at David's the kids were already out in the yard lighting smoke bombs, bottle rockets and best of all sparklers.

Stephanie had to work today but David grilled hamburgers, Sarah brought sides and Rhoda brought dessert. The meal was delicious. The grandchildren had so much fun playing on the swings, playing whiffle ball, lighting sparklers and watching David and Israel light off fireworks.

If interested in the rest of the pictures click HERE
A video of their fun is posted below.
The kids left for Three Sisters Park for the Chillicothe fireworks but
Mark and I skipped the fireworks. We saw enough yesterday and both of us were tired. We really are getting old. Both of our renters arrived before we left for David's and both sets of guests were really happy with their accommodations. 

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