Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Picking Corn

 On our walk we noticed that the wind last night or this morning blew down Joan's beautiful Hibiscus plant.

She has wire cages around it to try to keep it upright since the last big storm broke so many branches off but when I tried to lift the plant It didn't work with just one person, this is going to take 2 or 3, one to hold it up while the others try to get the cage back around and in the ground. We just did one round again then went in to visit mom. Mom is doing much better but since Ruth needed to take a lady from Jail to the court house and I had to leave early from Berean mom decided to stay home. It just isn't worth the effort for an hour of work. I arrived there just before 9:00 am and everyone as already hard at work. At 9:30 we broke for prayer time the Skip gave us an update on the jail work.
Above is the only picture I took this morning as we were a little short handed. Below is a short video of Skip explaining a little about the jail.
I left there once the studies were all finished and the Bibles ready for mailing. Shirley is going to be taking the studies home with her, she will take them to church on Sunday for grading then bring the box back to Berean next Tuesday. I had a list if items still needed for our canoe trip so stopped first at Kroger to buy fruit then at Aldi to buy the rest. The food was all put in the barn ready for packing on Wednesday. The freezer and fridge foods will be packed Thursday morning before we pull out. At 12:45 I drove to Anna's to pick up Taunya's 3 boys, Jack, Jace, Abe, and just one of Anna's girls, Taegan. These kids were coming with me to pick sweet corn for our vacation. We stopped on the way at a produce stand and picked up some tomatoes to take with us before getting the the sweet corn field. This is owned by Beth's family and is ready now for picking. The kids went right to work.

Within minutes we had more than enough.

We took the corn to the big barn to unload it.

Once done the kids cleaned up the gym then Taegan was dropped off at home then the boys taken to Walmart in Morton to meet Taunya so she could take them back home. I got home in time to take some corn over to mom's house and Diane's house.
I took 6 ears home to cook for our supper.
They were so delicious, not starchy at all and with each bite the kernels would burst with juice and flavor. We will really enjoy this corn on the cob for our Thursday evening meal. At 6:30 pm I went over to Joan's to get the  paperwork ready for the camper going out today.
Joan's black cat came running when she saw a person. All of Joan's cats are lonely. They are missing people.
Karin sent the picture below of the kittens playing on mom's deck. They are so entertaining and mom enjoys watching them play.
When the couple came it took a little longer as this was their first time to camp so wanted to video everything.  They were going to the Goose Ranch for the weekend and excited about the trip. On the way back to the house I stopped to take a picture of the cloud bank.
The wind was blowing hard and we got a few sprinkles before the clouds pushed East. 

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