Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Cookie Pony Rides

 No walk, we were having a storm this morning, lots of lightning, thunder and rain. Instead I went to mom's taking them a more corn from yesterday's picking. Karin said it was so good they would enjoy more. We had a nice visit before I went home to start work. Today the truck was filled with gas then cleaned both the inside and the bed of the truck. The big cooler was hauled down from the upstairs and put in the bed. I have to put that in empty then bring the frozen and cooled foods in by the bag full as the cooler is much to heavy when full for Mark and I to carry. The truck was backed into the gym area of the barn. The corn was put in the front then all the other supplies. Tomorrow the two coolers will be filled, wood added for the fire pit and the truck hooked up to the camper we are hauling down. Sarah and Anna came today with lots of little girls. Anna was busy making lunch for them when I arrived to load the truck.

After lunch the girls decided they would like to ride Cookie.

To see the rest of the pictures and videos click HERE.
Once they were finished Cookie and Jewel were turned out into the pasture to graze.

The sheets and pillows for the camper we are hauling down to Montauk tomorrow were taken into the camper and the beds made. Not very well as I didn't want to crawl up on the bunks. Sarah and Nolan's family are going to be staying in this camper and Sarah will bring more blankets for the girls but I made sure they each had a pillow and a throw.

The person coming to pick up a camper for the weekend called to ask if he could come later as he was busy setting concrete and needed time to finish. About then a hipcamper booked the camp site behind the barn. That needed to be mowed so Mark and I went out to move the picnic table then I took him over to mom's to get a mower. By this time it was almost 6:00 pm. The camper renter arrived, as it was his first time to rent or pull a camper we had to go over everything. Mark had finished mowing the campsite and was back in the house but I drove back to the campsite to move the picnic table closer to the barn so the hip camper had plenty of room to drive around. By the time I got back in the house it was too late to go to church so we decided to watch on line but just as the service started the hipcamper arrived. I took the golf cart up to meet them and show them where the electrical outlet was and asked if they needed water before rushing back to the house to watch the service. Craig Stickling had the message. It isn't up yet but when it is I'll post a link here. It was a good message for me. When church was over my phone had a lot of group texts. Anna's crossfit team was one of the featured teams on the news.
Mark has already showered and is in bed and now it is my t urn. We need to be up early in the morning for the last minute packing.

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