Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Gift of Sunday

 Last night sleep was elusive from aches and pains of an aging body that may have worked a little too hard and by morning the muscles in my legs were cramping. I had to do my breathing exercises to get them to relax. Diane needed a ride to church as Mike is sick. Mom was also not feeling well so she stayed home too. Molly brought Nancy to church.  She couldn't wait to go in and start singing, off key but she certainly tries. Tim Funk had the morning message, click HERE to watch that. Tim Roecker had the afternoon message, click HERE to listen to that. After church we took Nancy and Diane home. The cake was frosted then the chicken and vegetables were stir fried and taken over to the barn. Phil and Anna arrived with a couple of champions.  Braelyn and Taegan's team won the championship. 

Pretty neat that these girls got to play on the same team AND had a big part in winning.
We were only missing 2 from our family of 26 for dinner tonight but Diane and Mike came over to round off our numbers. Supper was good and everyone had plenty. After supper we all went either to the playground or the lake. Many babies came tonight. 

The only baby I don't think I got a picture of was Micah, Rebekah and Brian's baby. Mike brought his jeep home from Middle Grove so his company could have fun driving it on the trails yesterday. Below they are taking it back to the cabin.
The volley ball games were fun to watch but they were a little short of players as Phil and Anna were at church tonight.

Below is just a short video of the kids enjoying the lake.
Nancy came with me to collect the garbage from the foaling apartment. We stopped and took a picture of Jewel who was waiting to be moved back in with the mares.
Nancy was pretty excited as all the new clothes Diane and Karin ordered for her fit. Rhoda and Lee took her home to Morton tonight.

I'm very thankful to them for taking her. It saves me a 50 mile round trip. Nancy loves coming and we all love having her. Today was another blessed Sunday. It really IS a blessing to be first with our church family then with our immediate family and finally a lot of our extended families AND we get to join others in corporate worship of HIM our Creator and our Savior. I'm so thankful for this wonderful gift of Sunday!

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