Tuesday, September 12, 2023


 We had a lot of fog this morning. The picture below was taken from the patio of our house just  before the walk. 

I stopped at the Wildcat to take a picture of the steps. We have it booked for 3 nights and I wanted to make sure the guests would be able to do the steps.
We stopped at the cabin to take a picture of the outside of the cabin for Diane's airbnb ad. 
Ruth, mom and I left for Berean around 8:20 am. Ruth dropped us off then took the wheel chair van to Peoria Tire to get the back tire fixed as that had a slow leak. They checked over all the tires and all are in good shape. We asked them if they could order a spare for us and this van did not come with a spare but they said the tire was different from anything they carried and we would need to go to the maker of the vehicle or the dealer for that.  That won't help us, the company that made these vans went bankrupt and we bought the van off ebay. Oh well we just wanted a spare for the Gulf Shores trip in October but I guess we will need to just go in faith. We had a chaotic morning at Berean but got the work done. IF interested in reading about our morning there click HERE.  Ruth stayed with mom after Berean until Karin got home. I went straight to the Jayco 5th wheel to start cleaning that. That wasn't too bad. The laundry was taken to the house. Mark got home as I was finishing.  He wanted help getting the new batteries in the old golf cart.
The old ones were removed and taken to the barn. The new ones are now in and charging.  When we left the new barn from working on the golf car the sun had already set but there was still a purple glow below the cloud bank.
We had a foggy chili morning but a beautiful sunny warm day and a shift in the weather this evening. Tonight it feels like fall has arrived. 
Brandee the owner of Ribbon's last foal named Titan posted a picture and explained that he is now 7 years old. I can hardly believe it has been 7 years since Ribbon died. She was such an amazing mare. She was a registered Percheron but had the smoothest most balanced canter of any of our horses ever thanks to Karin her trainer. We STILL talk about her.  We bought her at an auction for $750.00 we only got her for that price because her owner listed her as  'this mare has never worked a day in her life', the second statement of 'but she has a good attitude' was why I bid on her.  The day of her death was probably the hardest day ever for us at Horsemeister. 
IF interested in the blog post of that day click HERE

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