Saturday, November 26, 2022

They Don't Match

 The car was frosted up from being left out of the garage this morning but the sun came out and soon everything melted. I think it got into the high 50s today. Another beautiful sunny day. It was my turn to be with mom so I showed up in time to cook breakfast and stayed until after supper. It was so nice we were out on the deck for a while this afternoon.

Right after supper I left to get ready to go to church for testimonies tonight. There were 4 of them starting at 7:00 pm. Maria, Justin, Olivia and Ivan. It was only after Maria's testimony that I happened to look down at my feet and realized my shoes didn't match.
The right heel is higher than the left and that was causing me to walk kind of funny. I thought that was happening because I was tired.
The testimonies went quite long, each person had much to say and we were glad they did. Most of the kids and grandkids went hiking at Rocky Glen on this beautiful day and sent back some pictures.

That trip home from church seemed very long. Can hardly wait to crash into bed. 

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