Monday, May 16, 2022

Covid Strikes

 It was surprisingly cool this morning as I headed up to check mares.  Lily and Soul were standing in the shelter and both foals were laying under their feet.

I walked up to them and the most they did was to pop their heads up. They were much too comfortable to actually get up.

Dakota was teased and covered by Valiant. Then I headed for the dumpster for the walk.  The locust trees are blooming and filling their air with their wonderful perfume.  There isn't much good about a locust tree with their poison thorns but in the spring they redeem themselves.
 On the walk today Joan showed us her special project.  Her daughter Sarah is a wildlife rehabilitator so they know exactly what to do.  
The owlet was found at Middle Grove on the ground. It must have fallen out of the dead tree during the wind storm.  No adult was by it and for sure it wouldn't survive without help. Joan started by feeding him/her minnows but the owlet was really hungry and it isn't easy to catch enough minnows so Joan caught a big bass and just cut it into pieces. We finished our walk. I left to pick up the Berean mail. Mark just wasn't feeling well so made an appointment at Walgreens to get the covid test and sure enough he is positive. Since we share a bed I'm assuming I may also get it but maybe not. So far so good. I sent a message to Bill the Berean director that the mail would be just dropped off a the office but I probably shouldn't come. I also let my siblings know so they could cover my shift at mom's.  If I do end up being sick I sure don't want to be known as a grandma killer. We had a beautiful day, the sunshine felt wonderful.

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