This has been a LONG COLD SNOWY winter that just seems to drag on and on. Mark has refilled the porch with wood twice since early October. He is out at the wood pile this morning early loading back up the truck. The woodburner has been burning day and night for weeks! In fact there was only ONE day it was not used in MONTHS and that was New Years eve where we had a freak warm spell with torrential rains and thunderstorms. The cold and snow seem to be a permanent fixture. BUT... in just 3 weeks we are leaving for sunny Ft. Lauderdale, taking off on a cruise ship for the Caribbean with Ruth & Fedi, Diane & Mike, Beth & Greg, Amy & Ken and just maybe Joan & Tim. Joan & Tim were suppose to be able to use their vouchers from last year. They had their tickets, all set to go and the earthquake struck Haiti, all the airports were closed and they couldn't get out to come. We are leaving Feb 5th and will be home Feb 13th. Sunny, warm weather is looking better every minute!
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