Each morning we meet at the dumpster before our walk and this morning mom happens to look IN the dumpster and sees a pair of jeans. She pulls them out wondering who would be throwing away a pair of jeans. Diane looks at them sees they are Mikes and starts in on Mike about throwing away clothes but a closer look reveals they are worn out and full of holes. We had to tease mom about dumpster diving and Mike about how he is going to have to hide any clothes he wants to throw away in an expensive garbage bag. I believe this says perhaps we are considered very frugal family or maybe the label is TIGHT!

It is snowing again today covering the ice on the driveways well. All of us now have the removable snow treads on our winter boots and nothing is stopping us from the freezing fresh air each morning. Unlike the last 2 years where the ice kept us all housebound.
Raven's paddock will need a new round bale tomorrow and Autumn needs a new one today. This is the last round bale left here at Bridlewood. When this bale is gone Autumn will be taken back to the farm where of course she will be worked EVERY day. not! Laura Stiverson has done such a good job with Autumn's dressage training we are tempted to haul more bales in.
The vaulters are busy preparing for the IL Horse Fair. They brought the vaulting barrel into the office for yesterday's practice. They are always so entertaining to watch. The performance below is the last one the Reinhard girls were in before heading back to Haiti.
We sure will miss those girls at the IL Horse Fair and would love to fly them home for that performance but their folks just don't think that's a good use of money.
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