Hi Judy,
Ciera is doing awesome. I took her out yesterday and drove her around the pasture walking behind her for the second time. She starts, stops and turns fairly well after only the second time, I'm impressed. I also sat on her and that was the first time she got a little nervous but she didn't do anything besides shuffle around a bit.

Thanks Emily for the update, we are very glad that Ciera is not only learning to drive but being handled each day is so good for her. We love your snow storm pictures!
My day was spent working for Berean Prison Ministry. The USPS sent a letter in December that our business reply envelope would no longer be accepted as of May 1st without a new bar code. The letter was set aside until everything settled down after the holidays well today was the day I set aside to work on this project. It is never easy dealing with the post office. The requirements are usually hard to understand and hard to fulfill. So after the walk, I didn't even drive home, just went straight down to the office to pick up the letter and get started. The first part was to register the ministry on the USPS website and get a very special number. That ONLY took over an hour to accomplish, then the phone call and finally the visit to the main office down on State Street. The visit went about as expected. Our old envelope didn't have the name Berean on it, it just had Bible Study Program on the first line with office of the chaplain on the second line. Well with our permit number it was required to have Berean Prison Ministry as the first line, then we got rid of office of the chaplain we really needed Bible Study Program on the second line. By the time we had a rough draft that was acceptable it was way past lunch time. The post office now has to approve the envelope, email a pdf file that can be printed out to take to Wayne printing. We order 10,000 at a time and go through 10,000 in about 3 months so hopefully the post office won't take longer than a month to get it back to us for the next printing.
The rest of the afternoon was spent cleaning. Amazingly things were found that had been lost since the New Years Eve party. Kind of embarrassing to think if the dining room had just been cleaned sooner Luke's teck deck would have been found WAY quicker. The drink table has finally been taken down.
Karin called from Ft. Lauderdale, they are coming home tonight. Karin, mom and Janelle Grassi have been in Haiti working. They are going to be shocked at the cold and snow, it's WARM in Haiti!
Emma was given a rawhide chew to keep her occupied while I was working. This is her favorite pose.

And this is what she looks like if the picture is flipped. Pretty funny looking dog!

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