Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Lea & Evan

 Ruth overslept so just Diane and I walked to Joan's. The chimney sweep man was there to clean her chimneys for the winter. We have 3 chimneys and Diane has 2 so we were glad to give him our numbers. I quit after the 1 round as mom and I were going to the Berean office today. To read about our morning there click HERE. We stopped at the Hanna City post office to drop off all the mail and the Bibles going out today. We had a quiet afternoon and watched a movie called The Book of Daniel.  Ruth came over at 4:30 pm so I could get Basilea covered by Evan.  Mike got off work and helped with that. Basilea stood well and should be going out by tomorrow. We like to give the stallions a mare for the winter so once she was done she was put in Evan's pasture first then he was put into his paddock that opened up to the field. He was SO excited to see her there. They soon settled down and will spend the winter together. 

Now we need to find a mare for Valiant.
Mark and Mackenson had finished up splitting the last of the logs.
Now we just need to figure out what to do with those stacks. Mark also got the paddock finished today. It is now useable and will be put to use next spring.
I went back to mom's bringing supper. We had the left over pork roast with the mashed potatoes and gravy and of course had to finish our meal with apple pie. Joan arrived about 5:45 pm so I left to go make dinner for Mark. Kim called this evening and is coming for Thanksgiving. It will be great to see her again. Dan wrote and then published some songs and I decided they were too good not to share. He is doing all the vocals and the instruments. He said I could post them but to make sure to let people know they are song concepts that hopefully will be recorded professionally soon. The first song on the video is called, It's What I Want. The second song is called Life Again, the 3rd song is Walk Run Fly and the 4th song is called Still Water.

1 comment:

  1. I vote that valiant gets Bunni. She's strong enough to hold her own but won't be too bossy :-)
