Saturday, November 11, 2023

Jasper Sold

 At 8:00 am Mark helped me move Dancer and the 3 foals into a stall then Dancer was taken back out. Mike came and put halters on all 3 then took Jasper out to give him a little extra handling. 

Jasper did better than expected.
Lily's filly and Madiera's colt were left in the stall while Jasper was put back out with Dancer.

The owners of Lily's filly and Madiera's colt arrived around 11:00 am and not only did they take those two they also bought Jasper.  All three were loaded into their nice big trailer and they were off for their new home.  Dancer was taken over to the cabin field to join the Tennesse Walkers and Titus. Of course Sally had to re-establish her dominance over the new comer even though she knows Dancer very well. 
Phil and Anna were at the barn putting up an outside flood light. Mark and Mackenson were hard at work splitting logs from that huge branch of the silver maple.
Evan was watching them work almost the entire time.
I pulled Mark off the splitting wood job to help get some of the 2 x 8's from Mike's pile to replace the boards that got smashed when the branch fell. 
Then left for Sam's club to pick up the pork loin for tomorrow's meal. That will be served with mashed potatoes and gravy, cheesy carrots, salad, rolls and apple pie for dessert. It is an easy meal to make and everyone seems to like it. When I got back Mark and Mackenson had quit for the day but had stacked lots of split wood for the winter. Our wood shed is full so not sure where this will go.
Phil and Anna had finished with the flood light and Phil was bringing the man lift over to store it in the indoor arena for the winter.
Ruth was with mom this morning. I was supposed to relieve her at 2:00 pm but instead Joan came and she and Ruth gave mom a hot tub. That always is so relaxing. I was driving over with supper and noticed the new light. That man lift of Spark's was really needed. We have no ladder that tall. 
At 5:00 pm I took supper over for mom so Joan could go feed her kids then leave for testimonies in Washington, IL. Mom and I watched a documentary on Orca whales before getting ready for bed. It was a good day.

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