Tuesday, November 28, 2023

They Are HOME

 Ruth sent a text asking if we could call off the walk so instead of walking I called her on the phone. We were working on the plans for the Meister Christmas. We decided to just live on the wild side and ask everyone coming to bring a dish and a dessert to share. I'm not sure the entire number but we are thinking it is close to 160. Fried chicken will be the meat. That seems to be a tradition for this family. I was due at mom's at 8:00 am but arrived early as I wanted to check the horses hay and the automatic waterers. I could see the heat rising from the waterer as soon as I turned into the cabin drive that the cabin one was working.

I drove up to make sure it wasn't running over. 
That is Sally framed in the sunlight with the icicles coming off the cabin roof. All was well with all the horses. I was driving the golf cart and my hands were pretty frozen by the time I arrived at mom's. Mom caught a cold and didn't think she should go to Berean today. Joan had a dentist appointment for all of her family today so mom and I made honey cookies.
While they were baking mom mentioned that her Christmas cactus is blooming for the first time ever.
Such pretty blooms.
Right about then Karin sent word that they would be arriving TODAY around 2:00 pm. We were not expecting them until Friday. We got the cookies done just in time.
John, Beth, Jackie and Karin walked in to find us eating a late lunch. John explained everything that happened to him including losing the skin on his hands and feet. We asked for proof and he gave it to us.
That was supposedly caused by the extreme amount of antibiotics he was on. He really did about lose his life. One thing he is excited about and happened as he was getting his IV port out was he bought a sawmill. He has all these wonderful trees at his Missouri property and has been wanting a sawmill. As he can walk again he can't wait to get back to work. 
After leaving mom's it was time to help Mark. He decided to clean out the chimney of the living room wood burner. We knew there was a bird nest in it and now that it is cold out we want to use it. He started by taking apart the pipe then pushing the brush into it.
That is how we clean it out each year but not this year. That brush got stuck about half way up. Mark needed to take the next section down then pull it out with pliers. Instead of that brush he put a fishing lure with a treble hook on the end and that worked but it took quite long. Below is a video.
The picture below shows daylight at the end of the chimney.
The pile of debris was shockingly large and the picture doesn't even show the amount on the floor. 
We were both black when finished plus I got a piece of something in my eye. The shower tonight was VERY needed. Of course we had to try out the wood burner and tonight have both of them glowing brightly warming the house.
I really am thankful for the heat.


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