Friday, November 3, 2023

Flat Tire

 No walk again today, not because of the cold, but both Ruth and I are busy and Joan had Co-Op. That gave me plenty of time to make Mark another deluxe breakfast.  I enjoy the colorful meals.  Plus almost everything was a left over from Sunday dinner.

The sausage and mushrooms were for the pizza, the Hawaiian roll and strawberries were also left overs from the Sunday meal. The avocado was left over from Monday's lunch. The eggs were the only item not left over. I always try to keep a few dozen eggs in the fridge incase of needing to bake. Rachel was with mom today and brought apples over to make measli. Rachel put mom to work grinding up the apples.
Amy Koch arrived with her Zambia pictures as mom and Aunt Jinnie were eating lunch. Rachel made them a grilled turkey, cranberry, cheese sandwich and served that with grapes and measli topped with walnuts.
Below Amy is getting her laptop to show us the pictures and videos.
Mark sent a text while we were watching that the horse trailer has a flat.  Amy and I went up to the barn to check it out and it really was flat. We found the trailer assist jack, hooked up the truck to the trailer then went to find the air compressor.
The air compressor was in the back of Mark's car so when he arrived he took the car right up to the trailer. Mark used his power tools to take the tire off and we found the problem a big nail.
Below he is putting on the spare.
I took the tire to the car, tried calling Zane's but they were closed so called East Peoria Tire and drove the tire there to get it repaired. I got home around 5:15 pm put the tire in the back of the truck and then got the trailer cleaned out. Finally came down to make supper about 6:00 pm. It is going to be much too dark to work outside in the evening soon.  I'm going to head to bed early tonight as I need to be up early tomorrow.

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