Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Maybe SomeDay

 David and Leah announced they are expecting in January 2024. They went over to mom's to tell her and as Rachel says, "She has the best one liners."

I'm not sure what the count is now. We had a good walk, hot but good, the clouds were coming in which helped a little. After the walk we got a few sprinkles but when the clouds rolled back it became like a steam bath with real feel in the upper 90s.  I drove to Aldi for groceries while Mark headed out to the old 5th wheel to replace the parts that got ruined. On the way home from Aldi two notices came in. The people in the Wildcat sent the first message, their daughter's team lost so they will be leaving today.  The people in the foaling apartment sent their message a couple hours later and it was the same message. Different teams but again, their daughter's team lost so they will be leaving today. Just before getting on the route 9 bridge for home I got stopped by a long slow train. 
Finally the gates lifted, the lights turned green and we were good to go that is until we got on the bridge. There were at least 4 cars ahead of me and both lanes of traffic full when both lanes came to a screeching halt. I couldn't see why for a while then finally saw, a flock of geese had landed and slowly walked across the bridge before taking to the air and flying away.  Everyone stopped while those geese took their time crossing. That was kind of nice to see.
The groceries were all put away before going out to check Mark's work. Below is the brand new plug plugged into the brand new outlet. 
The camper was working perfectly. The air conditioner was on and had the camper nice and cool. I went back to the house and took the airbnb block off so it can now be rented. Then it was time to start doing the laundry from both the Wildcat and the apartment. I had both machines going the rest of the day.  The guests in the Wildcat not only used every bed they even had 2 extra sheets on one of the beds. The apartment also had a lot of laundry, this renter only had 3 people and a dog but the dog got her own bed made up of both throws and a sheet. Lots and lots of wet towels were also in the pile. I was working on the last loads when Rhoda and Lee pulled up with  Iris and Zeke. They were coming to help Phil and Anna on the barn so the kids came with me on the golf cart to change the washing machine.
We took the kids to the barn at 6:15 pm so we could leave for church. Joan brought Taegan and Kensley tonight and those girls sat up front with Berlica and Lisa's daughter Cheyenne. Tim Roecker had the message tonight first on Job and then Acts. Cheyenne and Kensley rode in our car on our way to Culver's.
We were the first to arrive so these two girls got a table for the younger girls and enjoyed visiting with each other while they drank their sodas and waited for their food. 
We had a big group come to Culvers and needed lots of tables. No pictures we were too busy visiting. Nancy and Cheryl told us about their gospel Hawaiian cruise and how they visited 4 of the islands. Some day I want to do that. 

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