Saturday, July 29, 2023

Full Day Camping

We had a storm last night actually 2 different storms that dropped 3/4 of a very welcomed inch of rain. It knocked down branches but no real damage. I was up early, the guests moved out of the apartment before 6:00 am and and I was able to get that cleaned for the guests coming in this afternoon before David picked me up at 7:30 am. We drove to Hillsdale, IL to join the other campers at the Sunset resort. They had had a big storm also and anyone tenting had to leave their tents and sleep in the rec center. The tents were all blown down and scattered all over the campground.

We played all day, first some games Rhoda taught them, then a rousing game of softball while it was still cool.
The littles played on the ground tramp next to the softball field. As soon as it started getting  hot we made our way to the swimming pool.
The water in the pool was cool and refreshing, perfect for a hot day. There were activities during the day for the kids outside and inside.
For supper the kids cooked hotdogs over the fire but the adults all ordered from a Thai restaurant about 15 minutes from the campground.
Rhoda and I picked that up and brought it back to the campground. The food was good but unusual for camping. For dessert the s'more stuff was brought out. Gaga ball, pingpong and more swimming this evening. David, Israel, Elisabet and I left for home about 7:30 pm. The video below is a lot of our softball game and just a few of the other activities. Such a fun day!

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