The party preparations are going well. One problem is the warm weather. We cannot use the front porch for food that needs refrigeration, in the past cold weather can be counted on to hold the frozen foods but at 60 degrees everything that needs to stay cold must be smashed into the freezer or fridge. A big boneless black angus rib roast has been purchased for the main meal. Nine pounds of shrimp, shrimp cocktail sauce, 40 pork egg rolls, and 4 pounds of chicken nuggets are now in the fridge for the appetizers. There is 2and a half gallons of eggnog with the ingredients to make more if needed stuffed into the very stuffed fridge. Mark is heading to Kroger to pick up sweet and sour dipping sauce, soda and a meat thermometer.
Now at 5:55pm: The house is clean from top to bottom, all of the laundry is finished, the bedroom by the stairs has all the furniture out of it and Rhoda's kinnect game set up in it. Philip has the projector hooked up with the big screen in the upstairs hallway for WI games and Disney movies. The air hockey game is plugged in and working, the ping pong table is centered exactly under the light, The 16 pound black Angus prime rib roast is in the oven cooking slowly, teasing our noses with the delicious scent of roasting meat.
There is still some set up needed, an extension cord needs to be found for Diane's 30 cup coffee maker which will just hold water for piping hot creamy chocolate.
The eggnog won't be started until after 8:00pm, Ruth is bringing the ice and more soda. Dan & Susan, Spark & Rhonda, Mike & Diane and Rachel & Dave are bringing chairs.
Day to day operation of a Friesian breeding farm standing 2 Friesian stallions. We have 6-10 foals each year out of Purebred Friesian mares, Andalusian mares, Thoroughbred mares and Friesian sport mares by Judy Sceggel 309-208-3840
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Pregnant Sally

Hi, Judy! Hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas! I took a few pictures of Sally and Glory today. Their winter coats were lying down a bit since the weather was nice and warm at about 71 degrees today! Wow! lol! My kids loved it! Anyway, I snapped them before we fed them. It had rained the night before and Glory rolled around in the mud and was filthy, but she looks good, clean or dirty! lol! She absolutely LOVES people. Which makes me so very happy! Only four more months until the new baby arrives and we are starting to get really excited! Will send new pics when the new one makes its entrance.
Have a great evening!
Thank you Jenny for the update and pictures. We are amazed at how TALL Glory is, in the picture below it is hard to imagine that Sally is 16.3 hands, Glory is catching up to her fast!
Just look at how pregnant Sally is, she is sticking out on both sides.

We sure appreciate that people take the time to keep us updated on Raven's offspring. It is such a thrill for us to see these Raven babies growing up and hearing how beautiful they are, how easy they are to train and of course we REALLY love to hear the success stories. Thanks again Jenny!
Messy House
Anyone walking into the house today would wonder about my sanity. There was a slumber party here that no slumbering went on, there is still Christmas wrapping paper balled up in the dining room, the garbage is overflowing in the playroom, there are dishes in the sink, coffee grounds all over the counter and tomorrow is the annual New Years Eve party HERE. Why did we let the house get into this state? Too much fun shopping for prizes and too lazy to clean up after our little spills and messes. But... in a couple of hours this place is gonna look good. Karin threatened to come over and help. My kids use to say, "you just hire her to torture us!" and now there are no kids to torture, just me. I'm starting work RIGHT NOW, maybe by the time she arrives it will be done. Let's hope!
Margie Trent
PEORIA - Margaret Burns Trent, 81, of Peoria passed away at her home with her family by her side at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2010.
She fought a brave fight against breast cancer and leukemia.
Margie was born Feb. 20, 1929, to John K. and Julia Burns of Gosport, Ind. She graduated from Tudor Hall School for Girls in Indianapolis and attended DePauw University, where she was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority.
She married William F. "Bill" Trent in Spencer, Ind., Oct. 15,1949. She joined him in Peoria after the wedding, and they lived there and also in Richmond, Va. Three boys and one girl were all born in Peoria, Bill (Cathie) of Dunlap, Mike (Bonnie) of Peoria, Andy (Gay) of Peoria and Julie (Mark) of Southlake, Texas. She had nine grandchildren.
Her main community interest centered on artistic activities. She was a founding member of the Broadway Theater League, which brought national theater to Peoria. She served on the boards of both Corn Stock and Peoria Players. She was an original member of the Peoria Fine Arts Society. Margie was one of the driving forces behind Lakeview Museum, working hard at Glen Oak Park under the banner of the Museum of Arts and Science. She was a docent co-chair, helping train volunteers to conduct tours at the newly opened Lakeview Center of the Arts and Sciences. She was chair of the Muses at Lakeview coordinating activities for over 300 volunteers. She was pleased to see our community grow and develop. She loved Peoria and its people.
Other activities centered around her church, where she served the Lord as a deacon at both Westminster Presbyterian Church on Moss and First Federated Church. How many of you remember the beautiful church on Moss before the fire? She served on other committees at both churches. She was twice president of the mothers club at Hines School, which her children attended.
Margie owned two businesses in Peoria, first the Different Drummer in Peoria Heights and then Toy Soldier Inc. in Junction City from 1980 to 1987. She was proud of the quality of the merchandise she stocked and enjoyed seeing many of her friends become customers and sales associates at both stores.
After these businesses, she and Bill enjoyed retirement, spending winters in Siesta Key, Fla., and time with their grandchildren.
A childhood interest in horses and her daughter-in-law, Cathie, who taught riding, renewed a deep love of animals. She enjoyed many years of riding horses herself.
Like many of you, she enjoyed her grandchildren's lives and interests to the fullest. Her deep love of family, church and this community sum up the many parts of Margie. Her friends were always important. Margie was a woman who enjoyed Bill, her family, friends and every aspect of her life. She will be greatly missed. Thank you for allowing us to share this epitaph with you.
Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 3, at First Federated Church, 3601 N. Sheridan Road in Peoria. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 4, also at First Federated Church
She fought a brave fight against breast cancer and leukemia.
Margie was born Feb. 20, 1929, to John K. and Julia Burns of Gosport, Ind. She graduated from Tudor Hall School for Girls in Indianapolis and attended DePauw University, where she was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority.
She married William F. "Bill" Trent in Spencer, Ind., Oct. 15,1949. She joined him in Peoria after the wedding, and they lived there and also in Richmond, Va. Three boys and one girl were all born in Peoria, Bill (Cathie) of Dunlap, Mike (Bonnie) of Peoria, Andy (Gay) of Peoria and Julie (Mark) of Southlake, Texas. She had nine grandchildren.
Her main community interest centered on artistic activities. She was a founding member of the Broadway Theater League, which brought national theater to Peoria. She served on the boards of both Corn Stock and Peoria Players. She was an original member of the Peoria Fine Arts Society. Margie was one of the driving forces behind Lakeview Museum, working hard at Glen Oak Park under the banner of the Museum of Arts and Science. She was a docent co-chair, helping train volunteers to conduct tours at the newly opened Lakeview Center of the Arts and Sciences. She was chair of the Muses at Lakeview coordinating activities for over 300 volunteers. She was pleased to see our community grow and develop. She loved Peoria and its people.
Other activities centered around her church, where she served the Lord as a deacon at both Westminster Presbyterian Church on Moss and First Federated Church. How many of you remember the beautiful church on Moss before the fire? She served on other committees at both churches. She was twice president of the mothers club at Hines School, which her children attended.
Margie owned two businesses in Peoria, first the Different Drummer in Peoria Heights and then Toy Soldier Inc. in Junction City from 1980 to 1987. She was proud of the quality of the merchandise she stocked and enjoyed seeing many of her friends become customers and sales associates at both stores.
After these businesses, she and Bill enjoyed retirement, spending winters in Siesta Key, Fla., and time with their grandchildren.
A childhood interest in horses and her daughter-in-law, Cathie, who taught riding, renewed a deep love of animals. She enjoyed many years of riding horses herself.
Like many of you, she enjoyed her grandchildren's lives and interests to the fullest. Her deep love of family, church and this community sum up the many parts of Margie. Her friends were always important. Margie was a woman who enjoyed Bill, her family, friends and every aspect of her life. She will be greatly missed. Thank you for allowing us to share this epitaph with you.
Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 3, at First Federated Church, 3601 N. Sheridan Road in Peoria. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 4, also at First Federated Church
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Visitors from Kansas City
Each morning right at 7:25 the walkers meet for a couple of purposes, one is of course the walk but the other is a practical matter of returning things. Today Rachel comes up with a box for Diane and an envelope for mom, Diane comes up with a bowl for mom and an envelope for me and I should have brought Diane's boots back but forgot. Below is the exchange caught in the act.

After the walk Mike took us into his work shop to show off the feeder he is building for the cabin field.

Then it was time to head home except right after I arrived, the phone rang. A couple from Kansas City would like to come visit the Friesians so back to the farm dropping off Rebekah and Anni Davidovics first then Jessica Sauder. By the time I arrived they were already waiting. Deb wanted to introduce her husband to the Friesian breed and our small herd happen to be a good representation of the Friesian breed. They were very impressed with Raven's good looks and disposition.

Raven loves to pose. While Deb's husband was getting their camera ready a few more shots were taken.

Once they left it was off to Aldi's for groceries. Phil showed up for lunch just as I pulled up with a car load and helped unload them.

After the walk Mike took us into his work shop to show off the feeder he is building for the cabin field.

Then it was time to head home except right after I arrived, the phone rang. A couple from Kansas City would like to come visit the Friesians so back to the farm dropping off Rebekah and Anni Davidovics first then Jessica Sauder. By the time I arrived they were already waiting. Deb wanted to introduce her husband to the Friesian breed and our small herd happen to be a good representation of the Friesian breed. They were very impressed with Raven's good looks and disposition.

Raven loves to pose. While Deb's husband was getting their camera ready a few more shots were taken.

Once they left it was off to Aldi's for groceries. Phil showed up for lunch just as I pulled up with a car load and helped unload them.
Email from Cathie Trent
My mother in law Margie passed away yesterday afternoon. I was with her right to the end. She was very involved in the starting up of Bridlewood. Bill her husband put in the shelves we have in the tack room and the Bridlewood sign was donated by Margie. Margie purchased Joker for our family and she used to attend many of the shows. I will sadly miss her. I am glad that she was able to die at home with her family attending to her needs. Bill her husband is devastated. Pray to give him the strength he needs to carry on in an empty home. I will be leaving on Thursday 30th returning on January 12th. Thank you to all who have helped me during this time. Please continue to keep our special barn going especially during these cold damp days. Cathie
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Ruth's dinner

Fede's mom brought over chopsticks, Ryan received over a hundred fortune cookies at the young group Christmas party and then a new menu from New China Kitchen was delivered to her house. Ruth thought that must be a sign she is suppose to host a Chinese dinner for anyone wanting to come to her youngest son's 14th birthday party. After dinner the kids played round table, then card games while the adults visited. We all should have joined them in round table to work off some of the delicious dinner.

Fede showed us all the improvements he finished on his house and the projects still to be finished. Ruth and Fede bought the Westwood school and converted it into a duplex years ago. As it was a typical flat roofed school Fede put on a new metal roof adding an upstairs of almost 800 more usable square feet, 2 new closets, one for their room and a coat closet at the front door. He has done an awesome job with their house. We thoroughly enjoyed seeing his amazing work. Some of his iron works are true works of art. Next time over I'll try to get some pictures of some of his very unique art. Besides being the Hungarian Handyman, Fede is a true artist, creating beautiful pieces out of metal and wood.
One funny story today was Karin coming over early for dinner walks by the bathroom and hears the shower running. The door is cracked open, she can see the shower curtain pulled shut. Her first thought is the house is full of blonds, the shower is running, someone must have walk out of the bathroom and forgot to shut off the shower! She steps in the bathroom, goes to shut off the water when Fede who is IN the SHOWER makes his presence known.
Tyler Joos
Right after work it was hurry home to change into warmer clothes and get to the farm to meet our farrier, Tyler Joos. He had 14 horses to get done. Luckily Steven had already arrived and had 10 in stalls ready to go. Tyler worked quickly and efficiently. Horses done were: Lily, Sangria, Ciera, Knight, Ribbon, Mika, Bunni, Paris, Jenis, Sanna, Ylse, Wynne, Valiant, Evan. Glad to have that done.
Karin showed up just in time to get Ribbon and hold her for Tyler. Below is Tyler just as he finished the last horse.

Rebekah rode Larry over, the kids were all meeting at the playground for a football game.
Rachel took some pictures of the very noisy game and of course I had to steal them from her facebook page to place a few here.

We will be heading to the Davidovics in just a few minutes for Steven's birthday party. Ruth is having everyone over for Chinese food.
Karin showed up just in time to get Ribbon and hold her for Tyler. Below is Tyler just as he finished the last horse.

Rebekah rode Larry over, the kids were all meeting at the playground for a football game.

We will be heading to the Davidovics in just a few minutes for Steven's birthday party. Ruth is having everyone over for Chinese food.
The Hero SARAH my neice not my daughter
Below is an excerpt from Larry Miller's update:
Day 9 - December 22, 2010
Best day ever
We got up at 5 am to pack for our trip to Chantel, a small village on the Southwestern end of the island of Haiti. We were contacted by one of our Vidacare Clinical Specialist who had word of the Catholic sisters’ desperate plight fighting Cholera. Several patients had died because they could not start an IV and they had no doctors or others to help them. We agreed to make this part of our mission to deliver EZ-IO technology to their small clinic.
The flight gave us a spectacular view of the island and the contrast between the slums of the cities and the beauty of the mountains and Caribbean Sea. The sisters were waiting for us at the airport and drove us to pick up our translator in Les Cayes. They did not speak English and I do not speak Creole. Our translator, Sarah, was a 17-year-old American who can only be described as spectacular. She took over and worked like she had been part of our team for years.

The sisters invited us into the nunnery for a fresh fruit drink and snack, when suddenly a call came to rush to the clinic. A baby was dying of dehydration and nurses could not start an IV after more than 30 minutes of trying. They grabbed me and placed a needle in my hands, crying for me to start the IV. I told them I had something better, but they and the parents were afraid, never having heard of drilling into the bone. They elected to make several additional attempts without success. Finally, Sarah our interpreter told them, “It’s time to let the doctor save this child’s life”. I was ready. I paced an EZ-IO in a few seconds and began administering lifesaving saline. They were astonished. What better way to introduce new technology than to actually use it to save a life, even before I had a chance to show them anything.

We took the baby into the main hospital in Les Cayes for further treatment. Nurses there were also in shock about the EZ-IO but immediately asked me to place an EZ-IO in a vomiting newborn, whose mother had Cholera. They baby was not morbid, so I decided I should meet the medical director and get permission before barging into her emergency room and taking over care. She had never heard of the EZ-IO and only knew about the rare complication of osteomyelitis (bone infection) that she thought surely would result from such a “barbaric” procedure. Then Sarah stepped up to the plate and offered to be a volunteer for a live demonstration. That convinced the director and the other doctors of the safety and ease of using the EZ-IO. They converted to enthusiastic advocates. We sped back to the airport to catch the MAF plane back to PAP before the afternoon thunderstorms grounded us for the day.
Day 9 - December 22, 2010
Best day ever
We got up at 5 am to pack for our trip to Chantel, a small village on the Southwestern end of the island of Haiti. We were contacted by one of our Vidacare Clinical Specialist who had word of the Catholic sisters’ desperate plight fighting Cholera. Several patients had died because they could not start an IV and they had no doctors or others to help them. We agreed to make this part of our mission to deliver EZ-IO technology to their small clinic.
The flight gave us a spectacular view of the island and the contrast between the slums of the cities and the beauty of the mountains and Caribbean Sea. The sisters were waiting for us at the airport and drove us to pick up our translator in Les Cayes. They did not speak English and I do not speak Creole. Our translator, Sarah, was a 17-year-old American who can only be described as spectacular. She took over and worked like she had been part of our team for years.

The sisters invited us into the nunnery for a fresh fruit drink and snack, when suddenly a call came to rush to the clinic. A baby was dying of dehydration and nurses could not start an IV after more than 30 minutes of trying. They grabbed me and placed a needle in my hands, crying for me to start the IV. I told them I had something better, but they and the parents were afraid, never having heard of drilling into the bone. They elected to make several additional attempts without success. Finally, Sarah our interpreter told them, “It’s time to let the doctor save this child’s life”. I was ready. I paced an EZ-IO in a few seconds and began administering lifesaving saline. They were astonished. What better way to introduce new technology than to actually use it to save a life, even before I had a chance to show them anything.

We took the baby into the main hospital in Les Cayes for further treatment. Nurses there were also in shock about the EZ-IO but immediately asked me to place an EZ-IO in a vomiting newborn, whose mother had Cholera. They baby was not morbid, so I decided I should meet the medical director and get permission before barging into her emergency room and taking over care. She had never heard of the EZ-IO and only knew about the rare complication of osteomyelitis (bone infection) that she thought surely would result from such a “barbaric” procedure. Then Sarah stepped up to the plate and offered to be a volunteer for a live demonstration. That convinced the director and the other doctors of the safety and ease of using the EZ-IO. They converted to enthusiastic advocates. We sped back to the airport to catch the MAF plane back to PAP before the afternoon thunderstorms grounded us for the day.
Over did, Overslept
Over did it yesterday, crawled in bed right after my shower instead of drying my hair, then way overslept. Having CRAZY dreams about getting ready for the cruise. The lady in charge has a meeting with all of us cruisers and tells us we are way behind in payments. We were suppose to be paying $50.00 a day in tips from the time we booked the cruise and the service people were starving to death because we hadn't paid. I was very glad it was a dream but shocked at the time. That wasn't the worst shock, that came when I happened to walk by a mirror, not a pretty sight! Too bad old ladies look really bad with hair sticking up and out all over. The walk will have to be skipped to make it down work today before Eva Jean arrives. The farrier is coming to the farm today at 1:30pm for trimmings. We have so many that need done, Steven has offered to help and we will gladly take him up on it.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Fun Shopping
Arrived in plenty of time to check the horses over and feed. They all look so good. Below are the three musketeers, left to right is Mika, Jewel and Bunni.
They had to come running up for some attention. Lily is very obviously pregnant in the picture below, she is sticking out on BOTH sides, Lily is by far the best brood mare we own. She has 10 month pregnancies, settles on one cover EVERY-TIME. We don't even bother with a sonagram any more for her.
Emma came running up behind us this morning with this in her mouth:
of course Ebby stole the leg as soon as she saw it, she is dragging this along the entire way. Emma wasn't happy until she found a smaller one and when Ebby finally got to tired to carry the long one, mom picked it up and tried to get Emma to trade.
There was no way Emma would touch something Ebby claimed. Once Ebby stakes a claim on anything all dogs leave her alone. She has piranha teeth!

One the second round, Steven pulled up with his monster truck. He checked over the hay supply, moved a couple of the feeders closer and put one section back up.

We decided to wait until tomorrow to put in 2 more bales. One for the middle paddock and one for the boys paddock.
Even before reaching home, Mark called for credit card help at Meisters. As Emma was with me she got to come inside. She likes visiting Meister Brothers, they always seem glad to see her.
Then it was time for shopping, not the kind I detest this is the fun shopping. Shopping for prizes for the new years eve party. Sarah came along and joined in the fun. We went to Sams, Aldi, Menards, and Walmart looking for good buys.

They had to come running up for some attention. Lily is very obviously pregnant in the picture below, she is sticking out on BOTH sides, Lily is by far the best brood mare we own. She has 10 month pregnancies, settles on one cover EVERY-TIME. We don't even bother with a sonagram any more for her.

Emma came running up behind us this morning with this in her mouth:

One the second round, Steven pulled up with his monster truck. He checked over the hay supply, moved a couple of the feeders closer and put one section back up.

We decided to wait until tomorrow to put in 2 more bales. One for the middle paddock and one for the boys paddock.
Even before reaching home, Mark called for credit card help at Meisters. As Emma was with me she got to come inside. She likes visiting Meister Brothers, they always seem glad to see her.
Then it was time for shopping, not the kind I detest this is the fun shopping. Shopping for prizes for the new years eve party. Sarah came along and joined in the fun. We went to Sams, Aldi, Menards, and Walmart looking for good buys.

So missing our walk and talk the last 4 days, missing my sisters! I want to hear all about their Christmases, their fun stories of my nieces and nephews. That walk is really addicting. The longing could be coming from this shut in disease from staying home. I'm tired of talking to the dogs. Speaking of dogs, Darcy is just getting too smart. She knows if she asks to go outside she gets a treat when coming in. We had left over prime rib from Christmas so she and Emma were getting quite a treat. Yesterday she must have asked to go outside at LEAST 15 times, even this morning she has already asked twice. The first time she got the good stuff but the second time this morning they were given a dog biscuit. Darcy didn't want it, stuck up her nose and walked to the fridge. Emma is glad for ANYTHING and will never turn down a treat.
Today there is one pair of boots to be taken back, they were purchased for Sarah but just too big. Hopefully there will be lots of items half price or better, I still need prizes for the new years eve party.
Today there is one pair of boots to be taken back, they were purchased for Sarah but just too big. Hopefully there will be lots of items half price or better, I still need prizes for the new years eve party.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Snowy Farm

Still not feeling well but feeling very anxious about the farm, Mark was good enough to drive me out to check the place and horses. All was well, the drives were plowed and the horses all look good. Mike had moved in a new bale for the Friesian mares. The boy's are cleaning up their bale well, they should need a new one in a day or two. The office is holding heat well with the propane tank down to 73 percent, we will easily have enough propane to make it through the winter. All the feed buckets were emptied of ice and snow and the horses fed. Mike showed up to get the skid steer to plow the Pence's driveway about the time Mark and I were leaving for home.
Once home Autumn was checked, her bale was completely gone, Laura was at the barn and helped move in a new round bale for her.
Today will be another day of skipping church. Rhoda has agreed to take my place waiting tables, Mark has a fire in the fireplace and I will REST.

Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Day
Woke up really feeling bad with this head cold, looked out the window to see 6 inches of fresh snow on the driveway, cars and trees. It was just beautiful but there was company coming and the driveway had to be shoveled before they started to arrive. Mark went to church while the sick one stayed home to shovel. Rick Sills was driving by with his snow plow truck, saw me working and helped out big time by plowing the drive and some of the parking area. That left me less than a hour of outside work. I don't want to brag or anything but our Christmas dinner was delicious. Black Angus prime rib, fresh green beans cooked in chicken broth, a huge salad with bacon bits, tomatoes and acacodos, baked potatoes with sour cream and butter, Karin's special spinach dip, hot baked crescent rolls, 5 layer jello and for dessert coffee and chocolate cream pie. No pictures, didn't want anyone drooling on their keyboards.
After dinner Sarah had the fit game on. Nancy had a good time playing.
Mom decided she wanted to play bowling. Her very first throw was a strike!

Addyson had a good time playing with her dolly. She found 2 other dolls and was lining them up in a row. Karin fell asleep on the living room floor. Addyson found the windex Mark keeps handy to clean the wood burner window and put it in the crook of Karin's arm. Karin woke up wondering why she had the windex. Then she moved to a chair, fell asleep, Addyson moved the windex from the floor again up by Karin's hand. The second time Karin woke up it was "what in the world, the windex is following me around!"
Soon all of us crashed where ever and slept. The kids woke up before us old folks and started playing games in the playroom. Karin told me that she, Mike and the Davidovics girls rode yesterday, Karin rode Wynne and reported that Wynne didn't put a foot wrong. So nice to hear, although Karin did say Wynne only has ONE speed in the canter, slow. The others decided to race and took off at a gallop, Wynne & Karin came in DEAD LAST. Mom, Karin and Nancy left for Dan's house. We are dragging this evening, too many Christmas dinners.
After dinner Sarah had the fit game on. Nancy had a good time playing.

Mom decided she wanted to play bowling. Her very first throw was a strike!

Addyson had a good time playing with her dolly. She found 2 other dolls and was lining them up in a row. Karin fell asleep on the living room floor. Addyson found the windex Mark keeps handy to clean the wood burner window and put it in the crook of Karin's arm. Karin woke up wondering why she had the windex. Then she moved to a chair, fell asleep, Addyson moved the windex from the floor again up by Karin's hand. The second time Karin woke up it was "what in the world, the windex is following me around!"
Soon all of us crashed where ever and slept. The kids woke up before us old folks and started playing games in the playroom. Karin told me that she, Mike and the Davidovics girls rode yesterday, Karin rode Wynne and reported that Wynne didn't put a foot wrong. So nice to hear, although Karin did say Wynne only has ONE speed in the canter, slow. The others decided to race and took off at a gallop, Wynne & Karin came in DEAD LAST. Mom, Karin and Nancy left for Dan's house. We are dragging this evening, too many Christmas dinners.
Christmas Eve at Dave & Stef's
The drive to Dave & Stef's was hair raising. We planned an hour for a trip that usually took a half hour. The snow was falling heavily and the plows weren't keeping up. Ben and Taunya actually slid halfway into a ditch but a very nice couple happened to come along and pulled them out. This couple were driving around on the roads looking for people that needed to be pulled out. What a nice thing to do!
We all made it by 6:00pm and our delicious dinner was served shortly after. Dinner was so good and filling we decided to wait on dessert until after the "PRESENTS"
Addyson was first. She was so funny trying to figure out how to open the gift. She flopped down on the floor to start the process.

When she saw the dolly inside she got so excited she started dancing around. She LOVES babies.

After the gifts were opened and the cheese cake with fresh blue berries eaten David showed us a video of their trip to Mexico. We only had one complaint it was too SHORT!

The rest of the evening the kids played Uno, I got to play with Addyson, while Mark took a nap.
The drive home was a bit easier although we still could only go about 40-45 miles per hour on the interstate. What a GREAT day!
We all made it by 6:00pm and our delicious dinner was served shortly after. Dinner was so good and filling we decided to wait on dessert until after the "PRESENTS"
Addyson was first. She was so funny trying to figure out how to open the gift. She flopped down on the floor to start the process.

When she saw the dolly inside she got so excited she started dancing around. She LOVES babies.

After the gifts were opened and the cheese cake with fresh blue berries eaten David showed us a video of their trip to Mexico. We only had one complaint it was too SHORT!

The rest of the evening the kids played Uno, I got to play with Addyson, while Mark took a nap.

The drive home was a bit easier although we still could only go about 40-45 miles per hour on the interstate. What a GREAT day!
Friday, December 24, 2010
W i G (Winged in Ground) effect craft
Dan and his son Abram invented this and shot the video of step by step instructions.
If ANY one wants to build a WIG (winged in ground effect craft)Dan is selling the detailed plans that include the list of materials needed. The plan only cost $5.95.
To order a set of plans please mail the check and request to Dan Meister % Meister Companies 711 S. Kickapoo Creek Rd Peoria, IL 61604. This is every little boys dream come true.
If ANY one wants to build a WIG (winged in ground effect craft)Dan is selling the detailed plans that include the list of materials needed. The plan only cost $5.95.
To order a set of plans please mail the check and request to Dan Meister % Meister Companies 711 S. Kickapoo Creek Rd Peoria, IL 61604. This is every little boys dream come true.
Wynne's Pictures

Finally this morning after the horses were fed, Wynne was brought out and photographed. The pictures were taken around 8:00am but the weather did not co-operate, it is very overcast. Wynne was put in the far pen to see if she would show off. She is just so low key, she didn't show off her spectacular movement as much as hoped for. The rest of the pictures are placed on her page on the website. Once she was done posing she got a special treat and it was home for me.
Caffeine, Give me CAFFEINE
We went to bed late, then around 3:00am I woke up in a panic, couldn't breathe, no air was getting through either nostril. I've picked up a head cold, bummer.
The dogs came bursting in our room at 5:00am wanting out, stumbling down the stairs to open the front door and a blast of winter comes roaring in. I'm now on my second cup of coffee and just starting to feel human instead of like a zombie. Caffeine is a great cure-all.
The humongous snow storm that was predicted earlier in the week to drop 8-10 inches last night, has left a light dusting of less than an inch of new snow on the stairs.
Today the presents hidden in the attic need to be hauled down and wrapped, the Sceggel Christmas is tonight at David and Stephanie's house.
We are anxious to see them, and hear about their trip. They have been in Mexico for the last week helping at one of the missions.
At the farm yesterday Steven and Mike put in a new round bale for Raven. Diane did not have a very good day yesterday. As the weather wasn't too awful Mike decided to dig the hole for the new automatic waterer we are putting in at the cabin field. The ground was still frozen so he used the yanmar and broke through his propane gas line AND the water line. Hopefully they can both be repaired before the freezing of the cabin occurs. At least it was the well water line, he was able to hook back up to city water for the house. Mike finished the bale feeder he designed. We will be excited to try it out, if it works as designed, we will save both hay and clean up.
The dogs came bursting in our room at 5:00am wanting out, stumbling down the stairs to open the front door and a blast of winter comes roaring in. I'm now on my second cup of coffee and just starting to feel human instead of like a zombie. Caffeine is a great cure-all.
The humongous snow storm that was predicted earlier in the week to drop 8-10 inches last night, has left a light dusting of less than an inch of new snow on the stairs.
Today the presents hidden in the attic need to be hauled down and wrapped, the Sceggel Christmas is tonight at David and Stephanie's house.
We are anxious to see them, and hear about their trip. They have been in Mexico for the last week helping at one of the missions.
At the farm yesterday Steven and Mike put in a new round bale for Raven. Diane did not have a very good day yesterday. As the weather wasn't too awful Mike decided to dig the hole for the new automatic waterer we are putting in at the cabin field. The ground was still frozen so he used the yanmar and broke through his propane gas line AND the water line. Hopefully they can both be repaired before the freezing of the cabin occurs. At least it was the well water line, he was able to hook back up to city water for the house. Mike finished the bale feeder he designed. We will be excited to try it out, if it works as designed, we will save both hay and clean up.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
The Meister Christmas
The Meister Christmas is a party no one wants to miss!
The food was fantastic, the fellowship awesome and the entertainment amazing! So many pictures were taken Sarah thought we should put together a video and that's what we did.
The kids performed beautifully for the adults. Even the old kids on the rock group got up to sing, they were suppose to sing a pretty song but instead burst out with the song "Andrew Got Ran Over By His Grandma." One year Andrew came zooming around the bend and mom skidded into him giving everyone a good idea for a song. One of the most endearing performances was when the girls got up to sing Heirlooms for Grandma, Addyson saw them performing and ran up to start singing with them. Once the performances were over Spark told the Christmas Story by reading Luke 2. Of course he had to make many mistakes which the kids caught and corrected. After the story it was time for Christmas carols.
Finally Spark asked if they knew who the big fat man was that was coming to visit tonight. Noah, Nate Herman's son yelled out it's GRANDMA! Now she's not a man and certainly not fat so when Santa entered the room instead of grandma the excitement could hardly be contained. Ella, Diane's grand daughter starts yelling, "Santa, Santa, those three boys were naughty!" We were not sure which three boys she was pointing to but that was an ironic statement coming from Ella.
Dan played Santa so well it was a long time before any of the kids knew who it was. In fact after discussing the different Santas over the years, DAN was voted the BEST! We want him to have the job EVERY YEAR.
We adults started the clean-up while the kids went down to one of the Old School Center's gyms and started playing some volleyball games.
We all had a great time.
The food was fantastic, the fellowship awesome and the entertainment amazing! So many pictures were taken Sarah thought we should put together a video and that's what we did.
The kids performed beautifully for the adults. Even the old kids on the rock group got up to sing, they were suppose to sing a pretty song but instead burst out with the song "Andrew Got Ran Over By His Grandma." One year Andrew came zooming around the bend and mom skidded into him giving everyone a good idea for a song. One of the most endearing performances was when the girls got up to sing Heirlooms for Grandma, Addyson saw them performing and ran up to start singing with them. Once the performances were over Spark told the Christmas Story by reading Luke 2. Of course he had to make many mistakes which the kids caught and corrected. After the story it was time for Christmas carols.
Finally Spark asked if they knew who the big fat man was that was coming to visit tonight. Noah, Nate Herman's son yelled out it's GRANDMA! Now she's not a man and certainly not fat so when Santa entered the room instead of grandma the excitement could hardly be contained. Ella, Diane's grand daughter starts yelling, "Santa, Santa, those three boys were naughty!" We were not sure which three boys she was pointing to but that was an ironic statement coming from Ella.
Dan played Santa so well it was a long time before any of the kids knew who it was. In fact after discussing the different Santas over the years, DAN was voted the BEST! We want him to have the job EVERY YEAR.
We adults started the clean-up while the kids went down to one of the Old School Center's gyms and started playing some volleyball games.
We all had a great time.
The pies are now made, the 5 layer jello is set, the juice is in the car, the fruit needs to be loaded and then we will be ready for the trip out to the Old School Center for the Meister Christmas.
This morning was hectic, the phone didn't stop ringing, the house was a mess and the car keys were not where they belonged. Breakfast was completely forgotten during the scramble to get out the door. I arrived at 9:08am at the church hoping to go through the visitation line before our practice time of 9:30am but the line was all the way down the basement stairs. Most of the singers had the same idea and most gave up waiting in line although a few cut to make it. We started practice a bit early, then Tim Funk comes down and asks us to go sing Christmas carols for a half hour as the service was going to be late. Joyce, Bill's wife asked for extra songs during the service and by the time the funeral was finished our voices were shot. About 10:30am my stomach started a very large GROWL right during a quiet time. The first time that happens one can ignore it and act like it is one of the guys in the row behind us but by about the third time the balcony is filled with a growling bubbling sound it gets kind of embarrassing. Just a BIG reminder to REMEMBER breakfast before the next funeral.
Rachel Sauder emailed new pictures of her Raven filly named Xena. I think the boy in the picture is Luke.

All the rest of the pictures were placed on the website on Xena's page.
Time to get moving and load the car.
This morning was hectic, the phone didn't stop ringing, the house was a mess and the car keys were not where they belonged. Breakfast was completely forgotten during the scramble to get out the door. I arrived at 9:08am at the church hoping to go through the visitation line before our practice time of 9:30am but the line was all the way down the basement stairs. Most of the singers had the same idea and most gave up waiting in line although a few cut to make it. We started practice a bit early, then Tim Funk comes down and asks us to go sing Christmas carols for a half hour as the service was going to be late. Joyce, Bill's wife asked for extra songs during the service and by the time the funeral was finished our voices were shot. About 10:30am my stomach started a very large GROWL right during a quiet time. The first time that happens one can ignore it and act like it is one of the guys in the row behind us but by about the third time the balcony is filled with a growling bubbling sound it gets kind of embarrassing. Just a BIG reminder to REMEMBER breakfast before the next funeral.
Rachel Sauder emailed new pictures of her Raven filly named Xena. I think the boy in the picture is Luke.

All the rest of the pictures were placed on the website on Xena's page.
Time to get moving and load the car.
Talented Mark
Yesterday afternoon Sarah came down and asked what was wrong with the shower drain. It had been draining a little slow and I thought that was what she was complaining about. After the filthy basement work I ran up to take a shower and it is FULL of water, it hadn't drained a bit. The shower was bailed out and the drain worked on but no luck. This is our only shower but we still have a bath and I was able to get cleaned up but I didn't leave a note on the bathroom door to not use the shower, Rhoda comes home from her work and jumps in the shower. So it was bail time AGAIN!
Mark was told about the shower but by this time it was 8:00pm and the hot tub at Riverplex beckoned. By the time we arrived home it was close to 10:00pm and Mark still needed to fix the drain. He brought up a snake and started to work, after only about 10 minutes he pulled up a huge hair ball, ugh. I guess this is what comes from 3 long haired girls showering each day. I'm so happy to report the shower works great and I'm very thankful to have a talented husband.
The walk must be missed this morning, there is too much to do today before leaving for Bill Waibel's funeral.
Mark was told about the shower but by this time it was 8:00pm and the hot tub at Riverplex beckoned. By the time we arrived home it was close to 10:00pm and Mark still needed to fix the drain. He brought up a snake and started to work, after only about 10 minutes he pulled up a huge hair ball, ugh. I guess this is what comes from 3 long haired girls showering each day. I'm so happy to report the shower works great and I'm very thankful to have a talented husband.
The walk must be missed this morning, there is too much to do today before leaving for Bill Waibel's funeral.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
New Gypsy Pictures
Pam the owner of the 2 Gypsy three year old fillies by Raven emailed new pictures of them. We are ALWAYS glad to see pictures of Raven's offspring. These fillies are both just three years old. The 2 pictures below are of Cadla. She is out of a purebred Gypsy mare and By Raven, she is 16.3 hands tall at just 3 years old AND doing the Spanish Walk at that age AMAZING!

Below is Dana also three years old out of a purebred Gypsy mare and by RAVEN. Dana is actually for sale for $18,000.00 AND she is also trained to ride and drive and yes she also can perform the Spanish Walk.

Both mares are spectacular, thanks so much Pam for sending along the pictures.

Below is Dana also three years old out of a purebred Gypsy mare and by RAVEN. Dana is actually for sale for $18,000.00 AND she is also trained to ride and drive and yes she also can perform the Spanish Walk.

Both mares are spectacular, thanks so much Pam for sending along the pictures.
Sauders Save the Day
The most amazing thing happened today. A car load of strangers showed up and started tearing apart the basement floor. I was able to catch them in the act.

Left to right is Logan, Caleb, Luke, Jessica and Rachel.
Well perhaps they are not strangers, unless one figures that our family IS strange.
Rachel picked up the circular saw and started cutting sections of the floor off.

After cutting almost through about in the middle, she and Caleb would lean it up against the wall and break it in half.
The room was full of sawdust and wonderful working kids. Once the wood was in sections, Caleb, Jessica, Logan and Luke would start hauling it to the burn pile.

This wood is very dry and old put down when the house was built in 1917, as soon as a match was put to it, the burn pile went up in flames.

After 2 hours of hard labor ALL the floor was out of the basement and on the burn pile. We all went to Dennys for a good hot meal. Luke got a hamburger so big he couldn't open his mouth wide enough.
How thankful I am for these kind of surprises! So unexpected and yet SO appreciated. The saying goes Many Hands Make Light Work and how true. Greg Reed is now down there working on finishing up the floor to prepare it for the mats. Rachel also had a great idea about the ceiling and talked to Greg about it, hopefully that can also be done before the big New Years Eve party. A great big THANK YOU to RACHEL.

Left to right is Logan, Caleb, Luke, Jessica and Rachel.
Well perhaps they are not strangers, unless one figures that our family IS strange.
Rachel picked up the circular saw and started cutting sections of the floor off.

After cutting almost through about in the middle, she and Caleb would lean it up against the wall and break it in half.

The room was full of sawdust and wonderful working kids. Once the wood was in sections, Caleb, Jessica, Logan and Luke would start hauling it to the burn pile.

This wood is very dry and old put down when the house was built in 1917, as soon as a match was put to it, the burn pile went up in flames.

After 2 hours of hard labor ALL the floor was out of the basement and on the burn pile. We all went to Dennys for a good hot meal. Luke got a hamburger so big he couldn't open his mouth wide enough.

How thankful I am for these kind of surprises! So unexpected and yet SO appreciated. The saying goes Many Hands Make Light Work and how true. Greg Reed is now down there working on finishing up the floor to prepare it for the mats. Rachel also had a great idea about the ceiling and talked to Greg about it, hopefully that can also be done before the big New Years Eve party. A great big THANK YOU to RACHEL.
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