I'm not the huggy type so this picture is proof that when things are really scary and turn out fine even non touchy people do unusual things. Dr. Pallen has to put up with all kinds of weird owners! Ruth had Rebekah bring over their cat to help with the vet call. My family, what can I say, how I love them all. To spend money on a CAT to help a sister out, True love. The cat had a weepy eye so Dr. Pallen checked for a scratch but found a bit of infection.

Rebekah was given medicine for the cat and off they left. Jenis will be in a stall for a few days, her bandage will need to be changed once a day and where Dr. Pallen opened up the hoof to relieve the abscess it must be doused with iodine, then packed with brown sugar until it starts to fill in. She will be FINE!!!
Our walk this morning started kind of funny. Rachel's kids come zooming up with the golf cart when it starts to slow down on the hill, mom decided to push it up the hill for them.

Thought this was a funny picture, the old lady with her cane and all pushing the young boys.
We actually had 6 people on the walk today. Below is heading back from Joans, the silt pond is on the left and the big lake on the right.

Everybody comes bundled up for winter Diane and Rachel tell me this walk happens no matter how cold it gets.
I am glad Jenis is OK, poor thing just needs some TLC and rest! Hope all goes well, Give all the horses hugs from us!! (Indiana friends) Tabatha, Hunter and Avery