Afternoon was the Christmas program and the PK, Kindergarten and first grade stole the show. Their pieces were clear and understandable but it was the singing that had everyone in the packed church chuckling, then actually laughing out loud. Those kids were so enthusiastically LOUD. Every class did well. The Bible class combined with the young group to sing wonderful harmony. Their last song In the Bleak Midwinter was beautiful.
After church it was rush to change and head out to the farm to show Knight to Will Moser and and his son Tristen. Jenni, Will's wife had a shower to go to so it was just the boys today. The Mosers will be free leasing Knight until the Reinhards get back from Haiti permanently, unless Knight for some reason doesn't behave for them.
Of course Tristen was much more interested in the machinery than the horses. He had to sit on the tractor, the fire engine and finally the skid steer.

This barn is a young boys dream!
Once the Moser's left, Velvet was up by the back gate, we don't have many pictures of her and the camera was handy, too bad it was cloudy and getting ready to snow AGAIN!

Velvet is due May 4th, 2011 and is for sale for $2000.00 but this price will only be good until Feb 2011, after that we may as well keep her and foal her out ourselves. She has fabulous foals, both have sold BEFORE weaning for more than we are asking for Velvet. She is a proven brood mare in foal to RAVEN!
If tomorrow is nice, after the walk I'll try to get Wynne cleaned up for updated pictures. She is looking really good and she is another horse we don't have a lot of pictures of.
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