Hopefully Mike won't mind checking on the horses and perhaps before Rachel takes Sandy back home she can walk her over to Raven.
Darcy is outgrowing her coat. It is really a foal blanket but use to fit her at least enough to go over her ample rump. This will be a handmedown to Emma soon.

Rhoda needs to leave in a few minutes to drive to Dunlap to give a dog an insulin shot by 6:00am. She will just leave for work from there.
Before leaving the farm yesterday Steven hooked up the stock trailer, loaded up 2 bags of grain and 2 foals and brought them over to Bridlewood. Ayanna and Java are now with Autumn. We fed them some grain in the shelter so hopefully they will USE the shelter and Autumn will follow. Steven was given another bottle of cowboy magic for the farm. I have 3 more bottles of the magic stuff here but if it doesn't warm up to freezing the burrs in the 2 fillies will just stay where they are. Autumn was so glad to see them but what was funny was they were more happy to see Duke. They both ran over to him with Autumn following.
i'll try to get sandy this afternoon, hopefully it will warm up a little...brrrr.