Hi, Judy! Hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas! I took a few pictures of Sally and Glory today. Their winter coats were lying down a bit since the weather was nice and warm at about 71 degrees today! Wow! lol! My kids loved it! Anyway, I snapped them before we fed them. It had rained the night before and Glory rolled around in the mud and was filthy, but she looks good, clean or dirty! lol! She absolutely LOVES people. Which makes me so very happy! Only four more months until the new baby arrives and we are starting to get really excited! Will send new pics when the new one makes its entrance.
Have a great evening!
Thank you Jenny for the update and pictures. We are amazed at how TALL Glory is, in the picture below it is hard to imagine that Sally is 16.3 hands, Glory is catching up to her fast!
Just look at how pregnant Sally is, she is sticking out on both sides.

We sure appreciate that people take the time to keep us updated on Raven's offspring. It is such a thrill for us to see these Raven babies growing up and hearing how beautiful they are, how easy they are to train and of course we REALLY love to hear the success stories. Thanks again Jenny!
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