After the walk Mike took us into his work shop to show off the feeder he is building for the cabin field.

Then it was time to head home except right after I arrived, the phone rang. A couple from Kansas City would like to come visit the Friesians so back to the farm dropping off Rebekah and Anni Davidovics first then Jessica Sauder. By the time I arrived they were already waiting. Deb wanted to introduce her husband to the Friesian breed and our small herd happen to be a good representation of the Friesian breed. They were very impressed with Raven's good looks and disposition.

Raven loves to pose. While Deb's husband was getting their camera ready a few more shots were taken.

Once they left it was off to Aldi's for groceries. Phil showed up for lunch just as I pulled up with a car load and helped unload them.
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