Just wanted to share a picture of our Friesian cross Bentley with ya...We are so proud of him
Hope you have a wonderful holiday season!!
Love the Packards(Tabatha, Hunter and Avery)

The Packards would LOVE to help spread the news about Friesian crosses. They are GREAT for just about ANY horse discipline! They have every right to be proud of this boy, he is 4 years old and just put in training this spring. They can't believe how easy he was to train.
The dinner last night was entertaining. Our table was just a couple tables away from my daughter-in-law Taunya's parents.

If we had arrived just a little earlier we could have sat with them and talked about our fabulous grand daughter. But... we decided to go the back route to Weaver Ridge, with the snow coming down and the snow on the roads it took us almost 40 minutes to arrive. There were cars sliding into ditches in front of us, cars stuck on the side of the road, fire engines stopped in the middle of the road, cars not making it up hills and sliding backwards in other words a nightmare of a trip but worth it once we made it there. We still went over and bragged about our shared grand daughter with the Rumbolds.
An anonymous donor picked up the bill for EVERYONE as a thank you for how hard our employees work and how lovingly they treat our skyline residents. Royce Elliot was the entertainer and had everyone laughing.

The employees were called up one by one, their years of service acknowledged and given a round of applause and their Christmas checks.
When the evening ended each of the staff were also given a Christmas ornament that were placed on the tables as decorations.

We drove home through the city in the still falling snow, arrived to find Rhoda's company still there we quietly snuck in the basement door, went straight up the stairs opened our door to our room and greeted loudly by the DOGS! They were so happy to see us and were sure we were going to let them outside. Rhoda had to let them come down and go outside, then put them back upstairs where they quieted right down and we went to sleep. Long day!
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