Saturday, August 24, 2024

Sister Heart

 Joan was going to Sister Heart today in Fairbury so I was at mom's by 6:45 am.  Sister Heart is pretty special, I think Joan said there were 33 churches represented this year and Becky and Rhonda were the leaders.  Joan took a picture with them and sent it to Bethany with the caption "I got to sing with Becky and Rhonda!"  They were a singing duet way back in the 1970's that made tapes and we were thrilled to be able to listen to them.  Mom and I had a quiet day. We were visiting Andalusia and Rome watching a Rick Steve's travel vlog. While we were watching that we were also watching the hummingbirds fight over the feeder. 

 This was out the front window.  Below is the video of a hummingbird feeding off the sliding glass door off the deck.  

Ruth came at 2:00 pm after canning 2 quarts of applesauce from the apples off her tree. Mark took the truck and Mackenson to Maria's to help with the big move. Maria is going to be a neighbor to Sarah and Nolan. When I got home 8 pounds of chicken breasts were cut up, drizzled with olive oil then covered with parmesean cheese and put in the fridge for tomorrow. I also baked a cake so it can cool before frosting it tomorrow. 

Mark helped move a bale in for the Thoroughbred mares and Sally this evening. 
Below he is putting the tractor away.
I took the golf cart up to the barn to pick him up and take him back to the house but stopped to take a picture out the back of the barn.
Diane came to take Ruth's place when she got home from Middle Grove then I went this evening to help Joan. She had a good time and we were glad she could go. 

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