Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Big Storm

 We had an amazing storm roll through last night. I thought it was in the middle of the night as it was after I had gone to bed but evidently it was just after 10:00 pm. A huge boom of thunder woke me, Mark came in and said we lost electricity and I would need to reset and start the coffee maker in the morning. That didn't bother me at all and I went right back to sleep. I was up around 5:00 am and was pleased to see the coffee was hot and ready. As I had no idea how much rain we got last night and was hoping we got at least a half an inch I decided to go out and check the rain gauge. I was shocked and brought it inside to show Mark. 

I heard it raining a little but didn't dream we got that much rain. Of course the top paddock was full of water. Mark went out before the walk to dig a trench to help it drain.
That big boom must have been a lightning hit very close to Phil and Anna's house as it knocked pictures off the wall. 
Ruth, Diane and I started walking but the rain started back up so we went to mom's house to visit. Mike called needing to get Curlin covered but when he went to cover her saw blood. Hoerr vet clinic was called. They had him bring her right in just in case she tore at her last cover. All was well and she had also ovulated so no cover needed when Mike got her home.  Karin made it home from Florida this morning so Joan had moved back home. I went to the barn to grab some dishes that needed washing and loaded those on the golf cart. As I drove around the building noticed something long and black wiggling and moving in Evan's pasture. I had to get off to see this strange creature.
A skunk family, they had more than likely been flooded out of their home and the mama was on a journey to find them a new home. The babies were swarming around her wanting to nurse but she kept up a pretty steady pace.
When she started coming toward me I stepped back, she saw the movement and went the other way around the barn and toward the drive. 
After dropping off the dishes and making breakfast I went back to move the bouncy house. The wedding happening on Saturday do not want the bouncy house and also want the volleyball net removed. Mark helped move the bouncy house and the mat upstairs into the game room. It rolls up nice and can be set up there with no problem. It is fun for the little kids so the family thought I should keep it. About that time Sarah arrived with some friends from church to give pony rides. Missy and Cookie were used as there were a lot of little kids. 

Below are a few videos:
Below are the children waiting for their turn on the horses.

The golf cart has a balcony viewing area.

Once everyone was done the ponies were put away and the golf cart taken over to the beach for some cool water fun. By this time it was really hot and the lake felt wonderful.

To see more of the pictures from this afternoon including more pony rides click HERE
I went back to the barn with more supplies, filled those supplies then worked on windows. When I was cleaning some of the gym windows saw Mark out weed whacking in Evan's pasture. Evan was following him around watching.
We left a little after 6:00 pm for church. Caleb Plattner had this evening's message on Genesis 6. An intriguing chapter, click HERE to watch that. We went to Culvers for a late dinner after church and that was another big group.

It is almost 10:00 pm and we are more than ready to hit the sack. I've much to be thankful for today and spent some time counting my blessings but realized, I can't count that far!

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