Sunday, August 4, 2024


 The canoe trip is now over and many memories, both bad and good have been made. We were up early and today I went outside to enjoy the peaceful sunrise. 

The colors changed from dark purple to pink as the sun made it way through the trees.

Breakfast was started about 7:15 am and finished before 8:00 am. Everyone enjoyed our last breakfast together before packing up. By 8:30 am everyone had finished packing the house was clean and we were all on our way home. We started with a full tank of gas and didn't stop until we reached Springfield, IL where we got sticker shock. Missouri has much cheaper gas. Well the gas is probably the same price but the taxes are SO much higher in Illinois. 
Of course I'm SURE Illinois' politicians put that extra money to good use. Not for us, probably most of it goes in someones pocket. We listened to AC Central on the way home. Peoria had a visiting minister Arlen Leman from Forrest that had the morning message. Click HERE to watch that. We didn't watch, we listened as I was driving. For the afternoon Mike Kaisner had the message. Click HERE to watch that. We made it home by 2:15 pm and just parked the truck and camper in the drive to unload. Mark helped with that and we had it all unloaded pretty quickly. It is very hot and we were both glad the air conditioner was on in our house. Phil and Anna brought the motorhome back. We have a small repair that needs to be done before it goes out again on Thursday. As they were driving the hills and curves of Missouri the closet door swung open against the dinette and broke the mirror on the door. Phil is going to glue the panel back on. It will just be missing the mirror. Last year we had the woodwork the fridge is in collapse on the camper and I was doing the driving and for sure not speeding. I think these newer campers are just not made very strong. Meanwhile Joan is putting thousands of miles on the 2005 motorhome going all the way to California, Canada and is now back in the states and it is holding up amazingly well. So well that she does not want to sell it. I'm starting to agree with her. They just don't make things like they used to. 
Both of our airbnb guests checked out today so as I was unloading and putting things away I started the laundry in the apartment and in the barn.  While those machines were running I stopped in and visited with Diane who just got back from Indiana where she and Mike were at the Gateway Woods auction. After the auction they went to a rodeo and visited with some Amish people. I left by 5:00 pm to change the laundry machines then dropped off the clean towels at the barn. On the way back saw Mike bringing Madiera, her colt and Missy back over from the cabin field to here. That colt is really something. He is such a show-off.

I really need to get a new video of him. Below they are getting ready to join Jury and Sally.
This evening Mike and Diane were over checking the horses while the sun was setting with sunbeams gleaming off the clouds. Neither Diane nor I had our phones so Diane borrowed Mike's phone and the 2 of us took the golf cart into the field to catch the sunset.
We had a beautiful sunrise and now a beautiful sunset. God really does paint the clouds in the evening sky. 

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