Sunday, August 18, 2024

Hay Down

 When one is on call one does not sleep deep. With Faith and Berlica staying with mom I had the  phone on the headboard and during the night was sure it went off. Although when I woke enough to check I realized it must have been a dream. By 4:30 am I was up for the day and slipped inside mom's house without waking anyone. I think it was close to 5:30 am when I heard mom awaken and speak to Faith.  That was an early start to the day. By 8:45 am mom was ready to go and anxious to get going even though that meant being early. Kathy and Randy brought Nancy and beat us to church. Faith and Berlica also beat us to church. They came early as Hannah and Jacob were serving lunch with Robyn and Tim. Nancy's hair was sticking out all over so Faith went to work and worked a miracle. 

By the time she was done Nancy was well pleased and so was the rest of us.
Below Faith is taking Nancy to the women's restroom to get hair spray on that hairdo.
Tim Roecker had the morning message. Click HERE to listen to that.That message was taken from Acts 16. We had a special lunch. Smoked pulled pork sandwiches along with all kinds of goodies. We heard that a couple of  our church's I T guys may have gotten up at 4:30 am to check on the smoker but that is just the rumor going around. Pretty sure it was store bought. Thanks Robyn, Tim, Hannah and Jacob. Gregg Rumbold had the afternoon message on Philippians chapter 2 starting at verse 19. Click HERE to watch that. 
After church Mark took Berlica and Mackenson home while I took mom and Nancy home in the wheel chair van. Ruth arrived to take my place at mom's so I stopped in at the barn to check first if there was anything needing done right away but all was well and I'll have some time tomorrow morning to at least get the laundry done there before we need to leave for Elgin. There was no Sunday dinner tonight, all of our kids were invited to State Farm park for the afternoon and evening, When I got back to the house Mark and I changed out of our Sunday clothes, jumped in the truck and took off for Goodfield to pick up a camper. It took a a little while as the tanks needed to be emptied but soon we were on our way back. Joan had 3 campers and the motorhome there and we had to back this camper down her lane and in the place between the others. Below Mark is un-hooking the camper from the truck.
We noticed the farmer had cut the hay today.
We could hear the tractors so he must have just finished this field and was over at ours.It was about 4:30 pm when we got home. I made some eggs and bacon, added a fresh tomato and thoroughly enjoyed that meal. I had missed breakfast then just had a small lunch so this was extra good. Mark heated up pizza for his dinner. I left then to check out the apartment. That was really left nice so just decided to clean that before picking up Nancy. When I stepped out I heard the tractor so walked into the indoor arena  in the picture below.
Now we need abundant sunshine and some wind to dry the hay. 
The last load of towels are in the dryer at the apartment and I will probably run up tonight to the  just to make sure they really are dry. Spark and Rhonda had taken supper over to mom and Nancy with Ruth on call until Joan arrived; Nancy and I stopped on our way out to collect the balloons left over from the baby shower yesterday. She was THRILLED!  Joan passed as on Hanna City Glasford rd so we knew she made it home. Nancy came with me to Goodfield to drop off the milkweed plant. When we turned off of the interstate on to the road that takes us to Ben and Taunya's house there was a man running right int he middle of the road. The car in front of me slowed way down and so did I.
We followed him at 5 mph and he never moved over until another couple were coming down the opposite direction. They told him to move and he did so we could pass. That was strange. When we reached Ben and Taunya's Nancy got out to organize her balloons.

I took the golf cart up to the apartment to fold the towels just before 8:00 pm and was so glad I did. The sunset was beautiful and I would have missed it.
Is it bedtime yet? Really looking forward to that time tonight.

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