Monday, August 5, 2024

HOT Monday

 It was already warm and muggy this morning when I went over for the walk. Diane was visiting with one of her airbnb guests and Ruth was going to be late so I went to visit mom and Karin. Mom was able to go to church yesterday and Ruth told us how many people came up to exclaim how good it was to see her back in church. Amazing how many people missed her for the 2 weeks she was home with a cough. Diane and Ruth joined us at mom's and we didn't start the walk until later. We stopped at Diane's drive to check out the tree limb that is slowly breaking away from the main trunk and over hanging their drive. 

Mike had already loaded the tractor to take to Middle Grove so didn't want to unload the tractor to take down the limb. 
Hopefully it won't fall on anyone. By the time we finished walking Sarah had arrived with her 3 girls to help with the clean up of the barn. I first took the girls with me to empty the camper. We loaded the golf cart so full that Zion and Eden had to ride on top of the golf cart. 

It is wonderful to have such good helpers. Sarah gave the camper a good cleaning and after the cleaned sheets were put back on I moved that over to Joan's house. All of the campers and the motorhome are rented for this coming weekend. Sarah got Cookie out, tacked up and took her into the round pen and gave all three girls a riding lesson. Zion went first.

River had climbed up on the railing to watch.
Next Eden got a turn.

The flies started bothering Cookie so Zion brought over the fly spray to spray her off.

Eden even got to trot all by herself.

River went last and did tricks on Cookie.
She did no hands and also rode sideways.
Below all 3 are riding Cookie back to the barn.
The 3 girls worked together to untack Cookie.

Sarah hosed off Cookie while Eden and River went into the barn to get a treat for Cookie.

Cookie really likes her treat.
After Cookie was put away we started cleaning the barn. We had a big group of disc golfers stay for the Ledges tournament and all 3 bathrooms were filthy. Sarah cleaned those while I worked on the kitchen and cleaned out the fridge. There was a lot of left over food in both the fridge and freezer. Anna has a lot of company for the next week and was glad for all of that.  There was a light down in the game room. Sarah tried to help me put it up but we really needed a second 12 foot ladder so quit on that. Braelyn was up cleaning the apartment while we were cleaning the barn. After lunch Sarah took her girls swimming. Mark was willing to help with the light so we borrowed Diane's ladder and between the 2 of us we got the light back up and just in time. The lady that booked the barn in October asked to come this evening to check it out. She pulled up right after the ladder was put away. She, her fiance and a friend looked it over and were VERY happy with their choice. I left then to take the motorhome over to Joan's and when I was backing it is back up a little too far and hit the hillside with the sewer outlet and knocked that off. It just needs a tiny repair and luckily we have plumbers in the family. Mark sent a text to the one who lives in the neighborhood and he more than likely has the tool we need to repair it. Joan made it home after driving the 2005 motorhome more than 6500 miles. It has one tiny new ornament on the front.  See it up on the right hand corner in the picture below?
They were at Glacier National park, Sean was backing the motorhome into place while Joan was directing him and neither of them noticed a dead branch up high.
It poked through the outer layer but not all the way through. They decided not to pull it out but to put tape around it to keep water from getting in.
It doesn't stick out much.  On the way home Joan went right by Tri County Rv so decided to stop to see if they could patch it but when she got there they were closed. She forgot they are closed each Monday. Mark went to work today with the big GrassHopper getting the outdoor arena mowed, the round pen mowed and all of our yards.
 Joan, after visiting with mom,  went out to start mowing mom's yards. Today was a very HOT full day and I am glad to be in the airconditioning this evening and not working. A little girl is going to be very happy in a few days. A couple weeks ago we held a wedding here at the barn and the little girl left her teddy bear in Diane's Waterview Walkout airbnb but didn't realize it until Yesterday. Her mother messaged me yesterday to ask and I told her I would ask Diane on Monday. Diane remembered the teddy bear but told me it was kind of shabby and not very clean so she threw it away. This morning while we were cleaning the barn Eden came running up to me from the gym where she had been playing with a teddy bear asking, "did we get a new toy at the barn? I snapped the picture below, sent it to the mother of the little girl and was told, "YES that is the bear.
I don't know how or who took it out of the dumpster and how it ended up in the gym 2 weeks later and how Eden would see it just the right time. Jesus really does love the little children! The bear was boxed up with a note, "I MISSED YOU! and mailed out today.

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