Saturday, August 3, 2024

Fishing For Trout

 We slept in, not waking until 5:00 am. David already had the coffee going. This morning we needed to leave by 6:20 am with all the grandkids that wanted to fish and they all needed to have their tags pinned on first. 

We arrived at Montauk State park at 6:45 am and each child took their fishing pole and started the walk across the river.
We allowed each child to catch just one fish each and once that fish was caught they could go play on a nearby playground. They all caught a fish before an hour was up and we were on our way home for breakfast. Sarah and Lee cooked breakfast and by the time we got there Lee had over 30 pancakes ready for the hungry hoard. After breakfast we cleaned the fish and cooked it. Even though we had breakfast that fresh trout was great. We had enough left to serve at dinner as fish tacos. At 11:30 am they all packed into cars to go to Fugitive Beach, an old quarry that is filled in with places to jump and slides. It was PACKED. Rhoda and Lee took their family all the way to Rolla to a water park called Splash Zone. They were worried that at the beach there was no shade. 
All of them came back hungry, all that swimming really builds the appetite. Dinner was served about 5:30 pm. 
They ate just about all of the food, 19 ears of corn on the cob, a half of a watermelon, Wild rice with teriyaki sauce to go with the teriyaki chicken, fish tacos along with regular meat tacos. 4 large avocados to go with the tacos. It was just a lot of food. After dinner we celebrated Elisabet's 8th birthday and for that there were cupcakes and icecream.
This evening we started packing as we leave tomorrow for home. Sarah and Nolan left after the birthday party and Taunya's family left this evening. To see the rest of the pictures from today click HERE

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