Monday, August 19, 2024

Elgin Trip

 Last night after 10 full hours of sleep I was ready to face the day. No walk but we met over at mom's. Berlica came walking over with Mackenson's new dog. He is half Bernese Mountain dog and half Australian Shepherd. He is young and very timid

Ruth had Farkas with her so let her meet the new dog. He did a lot of tail wagging but was scared.
I left after a few minutes to take Mark up to the barn where his car was to pack his tools.  The mowed field looks really good. 
After admiring the field I went down to the house to make breakfast.  We decided to leave for Elgin AFTER eating. We were on the road before 9:00 am and made it to Jon's house before noon. Jon looked much better than the last time we were there. He and Mark had a nice time catching up before we started working.
Mark started in the basement to check out why the breaker kept popping when the wash machine was turned on. The wash machine was bought new in 1985. Jon was wondering if maybe they could just replace the motor but since we don't live in Elgin who would do the work? Mark recommended buying a new or at least working used one. The good news on that was the breaker was fine. Kim thought it was not as the lights wouldn't turn on in the stairwell but that just turned out to be a burned out lightbulb. Mark went outside to start the tree trimming while I worked upstairs. When I finished I went out to help him with the trees.
He was using the electric chain saw to take off the branches.
The gas chain saw was brought out for the stump.
As he would cut I would pile up the branches on the burn pile. Once we finished with our list we went back in to visit more with Jon. Mark had a nice prayer and we left for home. We stopped for supper around 4:30 pm at a Mexican restaurant and we were both REALLY hungry. Our last meal had been at 8:00 am. It had good reviews and was on our way home so we didn' have to go out of the way at all but when we got there it was a fancy restaurant and a little pricey with each meal about $22.00. We were too hungry to leave so just bit the bullet and went inside to bite the food. 
The food was beautifully presented and abundant but the Mexican restaurant we go to in Chilicothe is better tasting and much cheaper. I guess we are just spoiled. We made it home by 6:45 pm, stopping only to pick up the mail. Our mail had a nice thankyou note in it from the guests that stayed with us over the conference and that note included a gift certificate to a bunch of different restaurants in our area such as Cracker Barrel, IHOP, Bob Evans, Applebees and a few others I've never heard of,

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