Thursday, August 27, 2009

3 in FOAL!

Ylse, Jenis, and Sanna had their sonagrams today and they are ALL in foal! They are ALL DUE July 19th, 2010. IT should be interesting next year to see what happens. Jenis usually delivers 10 days early, Sanna had 2 right on her due date but this years filly was 3 weeks early, and Ylse delivered 8 days early this year.
The bad news is that Sanna may be carrying twins so I will have to have her rechecked next week and if it is twins, one will have to be pinched off. Hopefully it is just a cyst.
Karin last night SHOT THE MOON by herself in Rook. BIG NEWS for her!:o)
Diane and Mike spent all morning cleaning the cabin up for guest that are traveling cross country with their horses and the guest just called they are not going to make it. Oh well, the cabin is booked for Labor Day weekend and now is cleaned and ready.
I moved a round bale in the 2nd paddock, then put the 3 Friesian mares and their foals in there. We really didn't want to put in a bale without it being in the shelter but the shelter had a grass bale in and we needed alfalfa for those nursing mothers. I'll see if I can get a bale ring around it. I put it in the corner so only need 2 sections.
David emailed that we had someone attach spy ware to our email and he is getting junk emails that say they are from our address. BOTHER, he suggested having Philip check out our computer.

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