Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Not Tonight

Wow we got a lot of rain, over 3 inches in the last 2 days with more coming tomorrow.  On our walk this morning there were lots of worms so many that Joan's girls went out looking for them. Fedi came on the walk today and we were thrilled to see him.
The geese on our pond were able to hatch 6 goslings, one more than the pair nesting on the retention pond. 
Kensley came today to help with the horses. We had to give Jewel a bath, she rolled when I had her in the field today and was covered with mud. Kensley held her lead rope.
 Kensley was thrilled to discover puppies when we walked into the barn.

As the rain stopped we took Rosaleigh and her filly out for some pictures. She is a week old tonight and I need updated pictures for the website.
 She had a lot of fun stretching out those long legs.

If you would like to see the rest of the her pictures click HERE. Rosaleigh was taken over to Evan but did not show meaning she is not in her foal heat. Right after we put her back the sun kind of came out. I mean kind of, at least the clouds lightened.  We decided to take Soul's colt out too.
 He was taken outside where he had a ball running around.

If you would like to see the rest of his pictures click HERE. Soul was taken over to see Evan and did not show. She is not in her foal heat yet either but Oksana and Indy were fascinated with Soul and her colt.
When we finished we were walking down to the house and Kensley decided to climb on the fence under the Redbud tree. She thought that tree should be called the purple bud tree or the pink bud tree.

 Below Emma looks like a dead dog, but she was enjoying a roll in the grass.
We had family night at church tonight and needed to leave by 5:30 pm. Jewel was brought in, fed and watered but had none of the waxing she had this morning.  Tim Roecker had the message tonight. As soon as we got home from church I ran up to the barn to check Jewel, clean her stall and give her more hay. She has no waxing at all. It looks like we will NOT have a foal tonight. She was left inside and I have her on the monitor but no sign of labor.
The pictures from Sunday after the wedding were finally downloaded and I'm just posting just 5. The girls were having a ball riding their bikes.
 Valiant was watching them.
 Rhonda gave 4 wheeler rides to the kids as the volleyball players played.
 The playground is always a fun place on Sunday evenings.
 Below is Zion on the bouncy horse.

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