Sunday, November 28, 2021

Good Memories

 Another Sunday and another gift from our Lord of the blessing to be able to go to church and spend the day worshipping and fellowshipping with our wonderful church family. Gregg Rumbold had the morning service. Kathy Huthmann served lunch even though she couldn't come. You see Kathy had Covid and is in quarantine so her friends did all the work and lunch was great. Thanks Kathy!  Craig Stickling had the afternoon service reading Hebrews 11.  After church everyone came except David and Stephanie's family and Sarah, River and Zion. Nolan picked up pizza and wings for our dinner. When the kids arrived they were put to work making our dessert. Decorating pretzel rings with white chocolate and sprinkles all working at the table.

Once those were cooling on the porch Abe helped clean the sprinkles and bits of candy bark off the dish.
The table was cleaned off and supper was served. After supper the markers and papers were brought out the 9 grandchildren went to work making beautiful pictures to hang on the fridge.

This evening grandma's table was well used.  A couple pictures showed up on Facebook of old memories. Below are Darcy and Emma admiring a Starling.

They were so gentle with that bird not bothering it at all until it flew away. They really were gentle giants and we really do miss them.  This is the first time in maybe 40  years that we don't have a dog. The other picture that showed up is of Rhoda and Emily at a PRC Show. Rhoda was riding Indy and Emily was riding Jenis. 
Fun times and good memories.

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