Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Teasing Mares

 Fedi was admitted to the hospital last night after staying in the ER for over 16 hours.  The good news is they gave him the deluxe room, the very best room in the hospital. Ruth sent the picture below:

It is large and has views of downtown Peoria and the Illinois river. When we called this morning Ruth reported he was very crabby. They actually sent him home this afternoon after all kinds of tests and told Ruth to keep an eye on him. Joan left here at 7:30 am with mom's wheel chair van taking it to East Peoria tire to get the oil changed before the big trip Saturday to Gulf Shores. Because the van was not available mom was not able to come to Berean with Aunt Jinnie and me. We had to leave Hanna City by 8:15 am to go to the Peoria post office to pick up the Berean mail and get it there by 9:00 am. We made it by then but almost everyone had already arrived and Vonnie had them all working. She is such a good boss but is taking the next few weeks off to visit her family in Arizona. I'm a little worried that while the boss is away us mice will play. We will have to wrap Bibles while she is gone but we didn't need to  wrap any today. Below Shirley Sharon, Shirl and Aunt Jinnie are busy opening mail whileSkip is entering the studies on the computer, Kathy and Leila are reading the mail and Marvin is processing the returns.
Marvin showed us one of the returns.
Check out the video below to see ANOTHER new regulation.
Whoever the mail room guard was that opened up this prisoner's mail must have really not liked Kathy's drawing. We really are wondering how long we will be able to send studies and Bibles to prisoners. Below Vonnie is getting the next set of lessons stuffed for mailing.
The printer acted up today, starting and running copies when no one asked it to. Sometimes we just can't understand why things happen in this office but we always are able to get done what needs to be done.  Aunt Jinnie and I stopped at the Hanna city post office to drop off today's mail. A full box of Bibles and studies. After dropping off Aunt Jinnie and eating some lunch I went out to start teasing horses. Leah was first. She was still in and covered but today will be her last cover as she did not stand well. Hopefully she will conceive and hopefully deliver a LIVE foal in 2025. The next mare teased was Jewel. She is not in but tomorrow is 18 days since she was in last so I will need to watch her closely. Curlin was also teased and also said no. Madiera was not teased as it has only been 11 days since her last cover. It is time to wean her colt but we can't do that unless we take her back out to Middle Grove and leave her colt here. I don't want her out until we get a chance to sonagram her, so that colt gets a reprieve.  We had leftovers for our dinner tonight. The temperature was only 27 degrees when we walked out for the morning walk and stayed cold with a brisk wind all day. Mark was even tempted to build a fire but didn't. He turned the thermostat up to 70 though. We really are getting old, the fact that he would turn the furnace on before November is such a change from previous years. 

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